Update on 13/10/2015 :
According to a report from China, Qualcomm is going to build Snapdragon 820
on both 14nm and 10nm processes. Actually Samsung is building this SoC for
Qualcomm. So it seems that Samsung is going to produce Snapdragon 820 built
on 14nm FinFET process initially and going to migrate to 10nm node technology
once it got ready for mass production. According to previous rumours, Samsung
will be ready for 10nm chipsets by the end of 2015 or at the beginning of
2016. So Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 will be built on 14nm process initially and
will be built on 10nm node process later. But Samsung may use Snapdragon 820
built on 10nm process in Galaxy S7 Edge. According to some rumours, the
Exynos M1 (8890) chipset is also going to be built on 10nm process. So both
Galaxy S7 Edge variants will be powered by chipset built on 10nm node
消息指出, 高通的S820將會在三星14nm與10nm製程上推出.三星起先將會用
14nm FinFET製造S820, 然後當其10nm製程量產後,轉移到10nm製程.根據先前
謠言, 三星在2015年底至2016年初將會有10nm晶片組推出.根據一些其他謠言,
Exynos M1 (8890/Mongoose) 晶片組將會在10nm製程製造(譯註:先前Mongoose
的Galaxy S7,不管是使用S820或Mongoose AP可能都將會使用10nm製程生產的