decorum (Festina Lente)
2016-05-29 12:06:59※ 引述《amy0sham (倩倩)》之銘言:
: 一年半前買的S3很頓 按了主頁鍵需要5秒才有反應
: 之前曾root和刷rom 聽說重刷會比較順
: 本人曾用Odin刷成磚過 後來請朋友救回
: 但覺得自己刷還是省時又不欠人情
: 想請問各位版大是否有推薦的rom
結論: ArchiDroid V1.7.18 (Android 4.3)
手上的S3 (Android 4.1.2) 開始頓了,想刷一個輕便的ROM讓它重生,
挑了 SmartDroid Simple KK v2
-Modem Has been removed to prevent IMEI issues(Old modem will be preserved)
- This ROM Needs EFS v2 Modem so Please flash EFS v2 Modem as EFS v1 is not
compatible( MK6 Modem)
刷了 http://d-h.st/bnH 下載的 EFS v2 baseband (CWM) flashable package
還是不能上... 後來查到原來不是modem問題,而是系統核心...
Wifi has nothing to do with modem. It's the kernel!
Flash agni kernel found in i9300 Original Android development section or
flash the stock kernel which i will post soon!
刷回原廠的 Android 4.3,結果很頓,連拉音樂清單都卡卡的.........
看國外的使用者推 ArchiDroid V1.7.18,將原廠的一堆不常用的軟體砍了,
而且有些好用的原廠軟體要另外刷進去,例如我很喜歡的S Memo
過程有些麻煩。我照著做,但刷的時候停在 checking md5.....
有人知道怎麼把 S Memo 裝進去嗎?
Originally Posted by JustArchi
1. Download bloatware
2. Unpack it
3. You'll notice two folders - bloatware and custom_bloatware
4. Delete custom_bloatware/placeholder file.
5. Copy bloatware/system to custom_bloatware/system
6. At this point you have two identical folders - bloatware and
custom_bloatware, which differ only by name.
7. Delete from custom_bloatware folder everything you don't want to flash, in
other words, keep in this folder only things you want.
8. Select all files and folders (including META-INF, bloatware,
custom_bloatware, and others), right click -> 7-zip -> add to archive
9. Yes, you must use 7-zip, other programs may, or may not work properly.
10. Make sure you have zip format, deflate method of compression and fastest
compression to save some megabytes.
11. Transfer output zip to your phone and install it without doing any wipes.
12. If aroma poped up, you did it properly
13. Don't forget to select "Custom" choice when aroma asks you for that, if
you did everything properly, you should have your own custom bloatware zip
right now.
14. Don't forget to repeat these steps with every new base, flashing
bloatware from older base on new base could/will cause problems.