twyes (twyes)
2017-09-29 20:38:05根據 Apple 官方的說明文件中
說明有 6 種情況只能使用密碼進行解鎖(Passcode),不能使用 Face ID:
1. 裝置剛開機或是重新開機(The device has just been turned on or restarted)
2. 裝置沒有被解鎖超過 48 小時
(The device hasn’t been unlocked for more than 48 hours.)
3. 過去 156 小時沒有使用密碼解鎖裝置,以及過去 4 小時也尚未使用 Face ID 解鎖過
(The passcode hasn’t been used to unlock the device in the last 156 hours
and Face ID has not unlocked the device in the last 4 hours.)
4. 裝置被遠端鎖定
(The device has received a remote lock command.)
5. Face ID 辨識錯誤達到 5 次,這也是當時 iPhone X 發表會上出錯的原因。
( After five unsuccessful attempts to match a face.)
6. 同時按下電源鍵與音量控制鍵 2 秒,啟動 SOS 緊急服務時
(After initiating power off/Emergency SOS by pressing and holding either
volume button and the side button simultaneously for 2 seconds.)