"Over one million units of the Asus ZenFone Max Pro M1
have been sold in India since launch"
The budget and lower mid-range price segments in the Indian
smartphone market have seen the launches of some great smartphones
this year. The prices of flagship phones continue to increase, but
on the other hand, strong competition and a free market have helped
to ensure that many phones in the budget and lower mid-range price
segments provide incredible value for money. The Xiaomi Redmi Note
5 Pro started this 2018 trend by offering great specifications for
英文新聞連結: https://bit.ly/2PfFcTv
綱要..Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1在印度發售六個月後,賣出突破百萬台
。雖然Oppo Realme 1 3/32G在價格上緊咬大破,但是隨後宣告停產。 華碩
趁勝繼續推出4/64;6/64等規格。對手紅米5 pro雖然於開賣時打出10999盧比
。華碩夾帶著第一支Made in India的大破招牌,在短短半年內賣破百萬台。
成為繼2015年以Zenfone 2進軍印度以來,經歷2016/2017的艱苦掙扎(Zenfone3
沒競爭力/Zenfone 4 直接沒賣)後,於2018再次強勢回歸印度市場。