1.媒體來源: 路透
2.記者署名: Douglas Busvine
Europe telecoms lobby group 'denounces' bans on Chinese vendors
A business group representing challenger telecoms operators in Europe warned on
Friday against banning Chinese equipment vendors, saying that doing so for polit
ical reasons would force up costs and delay network upgrades.
In a strongly-worded statement, the European Competitive Telecommunications Asso
ciation (ECTA), said it “denounces any bans of Chinese 5G suppliers for geopoli
tical reasons and emphasises that such decisions can only be justified on the ba
sis of well-established facts”.
ECTA groups alternative telecoms such as Germany’s 1&1 Drillisch, Iliad of Fran
ce and Spain’s Masmovil. China’s Huawei Technologies, the global networks mark
et leader, is also on board.
Huawei’s position in Europe has come under pressure from a U.S. campaign to pur
ge next-generation networks of kit that Washington says can be used for spying -
claims that the Chinese company denies.
ECTA’s statement comes after France imposed restrictions on Huawei equipment th
at sources familiar with the matter said amounted to a de-facto ban.
Politics also loomed large over last week’s decision by Orange Belgium and Prox
imus to replace Huawei with Nokia as provider of radio access network gear for t
heir shared 5G network in Belgium.
ECTA’s General Director Luc Hindryckx told Reuters the statement reflected conc
erns of member CEOs that the adoption of a common EU approach to assessing vendo
r risk - known as the Toolbox - was leading more and more member countries to im
pose “actual or de-facto bans” on Chinese vendors.
The exclusion of Huawei and ZTE, another Chinese vendor, would leave telecoms wi
th a choice of just three suppliers - the other global players are Nokia, Ericss
on and Samsung.
“A reduction in the number of worldwide suppliers from five to three will not o
nly impact the telecoms sector by increasing costs, negatively impacting perform
ance, delaying the deployment of 5G networks and constraining innovation potenti
al,” ECTA said.
Industry consultant John Strand challenged that view, however, saying that Nordi
c operators Telenor, Telia and TDC had ripped and replaced Chinese equipment “w
ithout increasing cost”.
簡翻: (ECTA) 歐洲電信競業聯盟(嗯?含華
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