Maryknoll dictionaries now“open-source”

作者: Tiunn (guesswho)   2010-04-05 11:55:17
※ [本文轉錄自 TW-language 看板]
作者: Tiunn (guesswho) 看板: TW-language
標題: Maryknoll dictionaries now“open-source”
時間: Mon Apr 5 11:05:51 2010
Great news for English speakers learning Taiwanese: Catholic missionary
language training centre Maryknoll have just decided to release the contents
of their two dictionaries (the English-Amoy Dictionary and the
Taiwanese-English Dictionary) under a Creative Commons license. Their
content, like this site, will now be open to anyone to use and remix, as long
as the original authors are credited.

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