Reggie Evans has his tooth knocked out, keeps playing,
then places it in front of broadcaster
Early in the third quarter of Brooklyn’s win over the Bobcats on Saturday,
Reggie Evans had a tooth knocked out thanks to an inadvertent head butt from
Michael Kidd-Gilchrist as the two were battling for rebounding position.
Evans kept playing through to the next possession, before the blood forced
a timeout to be called.
The best part is what he did with the tooth afterward. Broadcaster Ian Eagle
seems to be mildly disgusted (at about the 28-second mark of the video clip
above) after seeing Evans place it on the scorer’s table in front of him.
籃板癡漢Reggie Evan昨天對戰山貓又抓下高達20顆籃板
其中在第三節與Michael Kidd-Gilchrist的卡位中被鐵頭功敲掉了一顆牙