※ 引述《ckshchen (簡單的夢想)》之銘言:
本次外電翻譯作品錯誤不少, 幫訂正。
衷心希望希望每位熱心翻譯外電的版友, 能把重心放在文字的精準上,
如果太熱衷加上自己的註解, 或是刻意求文字有趣,
翻譯作品失真是一回事, 誤導其他版友的理解則更不應該。
: http://ppt.cc/uJZ~
: Dwight Howard has plenty to be frustrated over
: 魔獸非常的沮喪
: Dwight Howard had every reason to be upset after the Los Angeles Lakers
have every reason to be upset 指的是他任勞任怨,球隊輸球他很有資格生氣
: 109-95 loss to the Los Angeles Clippers on Sunday afternoon at Staples
: Center.
: 輸給了快艇
: 所有讓人憂鬱的理由都一起湊齊了
: Lock up the middle of the key, protect the rim, cover up his teammates'
: mistakes. Well, he did that Sunday. He has been doing that ever since he
: looked himself in the mirror over the All-Star break and realized he needed
: to start delivering at that end of the floor.
ever since the All-Star break指的是 Howard在明星賽周末後, 打球態度的轉變;
不再對媒體放話希望得到進攻權柄(他也爭不過Kobe的) 轉而專注在防守上(聯盟籃板王)
at that end of the floor 指的是球隊防守時的半場, 引申義就是"防守端"
: 鎖死禁區,防守籃框
: 幫隊友擦屁股
: (誰?)
: 恩....他禮拜天光做這些事情就忙翻了
: 從他確定自己加入了這個全明星陣容開始
: 他就不停的忙著做這些事情
: 而且他也意識到了,他會一直重複這些事情直到最後
: It was his teammates who regressed on this day. The Lakers' transition
: 這是他的隊友......某位在最近回歸的.....
此處的 "It was" 指的是 Howard有資格感到北宋的對象, 翻"這是"會非常尷尬。
: There was no explanation needed. He had every reason to be upset,
: disappointed or frustrated.
此處同前文一樣的問題, 指的是他作足了苦工, had every reason很有資格感到北宋
: 其實也不用回答
: 我們都知道所有令他非常不爽的理由都有了
: game. His offense suffers. His body language is bad.
: 他的進攻受到影響
: 他的肢體動作太糟糕了
His body language is bad.不是說他的肢體動作糟糕, 是說他進攻時的動作看起來
很不愉快像是失去耐性, 打得很毛躁因為看著隊友打得太鳥
: and Pau Gasol should almost never get out-rebounded so badly (50-36).
: 尤其是這個重要時刻
: 有著魔獸和脖加索的湖人,再怎樣籃板都不應該這麼爛
get out-rebounded 球隊籃板數被敵隊"比下去"
: This is not what he had in mind, however.
: 這些都不是他最在乎的.......
意義該是"湖人的爛表現 和AJ拒絕山貓利多時, 心裡期待的湖人差很多"
: As always, the problems