I played against Larry & Michael who both had a warrior's mentality. For the
last 17 seasons I've watched Kobe play with that same mentality!
我曾和 Bird & Jordan 打過球,他們兩人都有著戰士般的心理。
過去17個賽季以來,我在 Kobe 身上也看到同樣的東西。
Laker Nation: Kobe is the closest thing to Michael Jordan that I have ever
Kobe 是我見過最接近 Michael Jordan 的球員。
Kobe Bryant has played through pain & injury so the @Lakers could have a
chance to make the playoffs. He has always put his all on the line for the
team & the fans.
Kobe 身上帶著疼痛和傷病在打球,湖人才有機會打進季後賽,
Laker Nation: I must tell you that I wasn't happy that Kobe had to play 48
mins, I understand why, but I didn't like it.
我必須告訴你們,我很不高興 Kobe 必須打上48分鐘。
Laker Nation: Kobe Bryant will definitely comeback from this injury because
that's just who he is!
Kobe 肯定會從這次傷病陰霾中走出來的,因為這就是他!
Laker Nation: Now let's see if Gasol and Howard can lead the Lakers to the
現在,就看 Gasol & Howard能否帶領湖人進入季後賽了。