[外電] Durant Regularly Checks LeBron's Box

作者: Paraguay (巴拉圭)   2013-04-25 23:05:13
※ [本文轉錄自 LeBronJames 看板 #1HUKC-n5 ]
作者: Paraguay (巴拉圭) 看板: LeBronJames
標題: [外電] Durant Regularly Checks LeBron's Box
時間: Thu Apr 25 22:52:43 2013
Source : http://0rz.tw/QqIbp
Kevin Durant Regularly Checks LeBron James’ Box Score 翻譯by巴拉圭
Kevin Durant, who is on the cover of this week’s Sports Illustrated,
revealed that he often checks good friend LeBron James’ box score after
games for motivation and tips to raise his own game.
Kevin Durant在這禮拜上了《運動畫刊》的封面。被訪問的過程中Durant也提到
他時常都會注意好友LeBron James的數據,目地就是希望可以藉此讓自己有動力
According to SI.com’s The Point Forward:
"I don’t watch a lot of other basketball away from the gym," Durant says.
"But I do look at LeBron’s box score. I want to see how many points,
rebounds and assists he had, and how he shot from the field. If he had 30
points, nine rebounds and eight assists, I can tell you exactly how he did
it, what type of shots he made and who he passed to."
Durant表示: "其實在球場以外的時間我很少看籃球,不過我一定會看LeBron的數
作者: steven610381 (Keiko Kitagawa is mine.)   2013-04-25 23:11:00
作者: awilliam6041 (廣志)   2013-04-25 23:20:00
作者: spongebob716 (爪爪)   2013-04-25 23:29:00
KD:無聊也會看自稱最接近MJ的人 又打幾鐵
作者: MAGICMCGRADY (荒劍燕飛)   2013-04-25 23:40:00
作者: kazureyesean (none)   2013-04-26 02:45:00
作者: EDGARMachine (斷水流大師兄)   2013-04-26 14:17:00
KOBE都受傷了 還不關注KOBE的box 這像話嗎?

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