djviva (時鼠無奈)
2013-05-02 13:31:33Durant calls Thunder’s strategy on Asik: “Hack-A-Whatever His Name Is”
雷弟顯然不認識阿喜是誰, 今天GAME 5火箭以107-100獲勝, 值得一提的是雷霆第四節
對阿喜施展了害喜戰術, 希望能藉此扭轉扭轉頹勢, 但並沒有成功, 因為阿喜扛住了壓
力, 在雷霆的害喜戰術下12罰7中, 最終拿下了21分~
當被問到這戰術的名稱時, 雷弟支支吾吾的回: "駭..駭...就駭管他什麼名字的戰術啦
, 我們就只是要用這戰術來慢下對方, 改變節奏"
害喜戰術施放前, 比數92-82, 放完後99-92; 猜想雷霆可能是想用這戰術嚇嚇冰箱, 讓
冰箱把阿喜拉回板凳上冰著, 阿喜上一場GAME 4有著17分14籃板的表現~
Kevin Durant apparently doesn’t know Omer Asik.
In the fourth quarter of the Rockets’ 107-100 Game 5 victory, Oklahoma City
used a strategy of fouling the Rockets’ center intentionally in hopes of
making a comeback.
It didn’t work, as Asik made 7-of-12 free throws in the stretch and
eventually finished with 21 points.
Durant called the strategy — “Hack-A- … Whatever His Name Is.”
“We used hack-a …” he stumbled, trying to say Asik’s name, “whatever his
name is, that kind of slowed the rhythm down a bit.”
Oklahoma City was down 92-82 when it began the strategy and only cut the lead
to 99-92 before giving it up.
Here’s guessing that Rockets coach Kevin McHale might bring that one up to
Asik for motivation.
Asik had 17 points and 14 rebounds in the Rockets’ Game 4 victory on Monday.