※ 引述《xpu (叉批U)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《skymay (隨遇而安)》之銘言:
: : Kevin Durant @KDTrey5
: : Crazy flop by bosh ahaha too funny
: : Bosh做了個瘋狂的假摔,阿哈哈,太搞笑了
: : https://twitter.com/KDTrey5/status/345359285410222080
: : 隨後有球迷要他別討厭Bosh,他回覆了
: : Dont be blind to the flop..lol it is what it is RT @charlieellis52: @KDTrey5
: : I bet you had a pretty good of it at your couch #DontHateOnBosh
: : 假摔就是假摔,不要無視
: : https://twitter.com/KDTrey5/status/345360261798043649
: : 那個KD跟Bosh之前有什麼恩怨嗎? XD
: http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/truehoop/miamiheat/news/story?id=6074794
: 有恩怨 以下節錄部分
: "I was talking to my teammate and he decided he wanted to put his 2 cents into it.
: I'm a quiet guy, a laid-back guy, but I'm not going to let nobody talk trash to me.
: He's on a good team now, so he thinks he can talk a little bit," Durant said.
: KD:當時我只是要跟隊友討論,結果不關他的事卻跑來插嘴。我是一個安靜的人,
: 但這不代表可以讓人對我噴垃圾話,他(Bosh)現在在一個好隊伍,所以他覺得他可以
: 說些垃圾話。
: "There's a lot of fake tough guys in this league and he's one of them," Durant added.
: KD:聯盟太多那種假硬漢啦,他就是其中之一。
: 話說當時他們都被吹T了呢!
要比假摔? KD假摔也是一絕阿 要笑人家假摔 先刮刮自己的鬍子吧 乖寶寶KD
KD表示:我是個很安靜的人 影片那個是後製的 請相信我是乖寶寶KD
苦行僧KD化緣要飯 渡化眾生
00:39 苦行僧KD 討飯不成 痛毆地板 久久不能自我