linyi520 (♡雪の祈舞 ♡)
2013-07-14 14:52:21Charlotte Bobcats' Jefferson possesses rare skills
2013年07月14日 12:48 夏洛特觀察者報 (原文:http://ppt.cc/vKAk)
快艇總教頭 Doc Rivers評價 Al Jefferson時曾表示,他擁有現在聯盟中已經快消失
的低位技術,而且 Jefferson把這樣的情況「怪罪」在 Dirk Nowitzki的頭上, Al認為
, Dirk的出現,讓聯盟裡很多大前鋒都開始去練投籃了。
"That is the question of the day, the year, the last five years," said Los
Angeles Clippers coach Doc Rivers.
"We're going through a stretch where there are no low-post bigs. The way the
game is being played has a lot to do with it. All the bigs are shooting,
all the bigs are trying to be more skilled.
"They're working on their skills, but they're often working on the wrong
但是他們經常練錯了技巧。」 Doc Rivers說。
"It made me stand out as Old School became New School," said Jefferson
"I hate to blame it on him, but it started with Dirk," Jefferson said.
"That's when the (power forwards) became shooters.
But Dirk is in a class by himself."
Al Jefferson表示:「這讓我很突出,因為我的老派球風,變成了新派。
現在的比賽已經不像之前那樣了。我不想去怪 Dirk,但是這是由他開始的,
這就是大前鋒們都開始去投籃的開始,但是 Dirk是獨一無二的。」