linyi520 (♡雪の祈舞 ♡)
2013-07-18 00:54:27James Harden Paying Woman To Be His Girlfriend
2013年07月17日 16:28 YardBarker (原文:http://ppt.cc/lAHp)
Houston Rockets star James Harden is well known for shelling out money
to women to get them to play the part of his "girlfriend", as Harden is
paying a famous model to play the part.
火箭隊球星 James Harden向來以花錢讓女生扮演自己「女友」角色而出名,
According to a source, Harden is shelling out the money to model Brooke
Bailey. Apparently, he's paying her bills and doesn't mind doing so.
The source claims that Bailey is happy with what Harden is doing and
isn't trying to slow down Harden's "sponsorship" mindframe.
據消息人士透露, Harden目前正在花錢僱傭一名名叫 Brooke Bailey的Model,
他需要為她支付一些開銷,消息源同時表示 Bailey本人願意 Harden那樣做,
而且並不打算阻止 Harden的「贊助」行為。
Last week, Bailey and Harden meet up at the Essence Music Festival in New
Orleans, and apparently Harden was showing off his "new girlfriend" to
everyone at a party.
Harden和Bailey是在上周於新奧爾良遇見的,而且 Harden在一個Party上向所有人
Isn't the first time Harden has shelled out money to a woman to enjoy quality
time with them. Earlier in the year, Harden spent $20,000 to model Jenna
Shea, as Shea was flown to Houston to catch one of Harden's home games.
Later the two spent the night together.
這並不是 Haden第一次花錢讓女生當女友,並和她們享受一段高質量的時光,
早在今年年初的時候, Harden就在一位名叫 Jenna Shea的Model身上花了2萬美元,
後者在休士頓看了 Harden的一場主場比賽,賽後,兩人共度良宵……