※ 引述《sampsonlu919 (SNL應該在PTT有專版)》之銘言:
: Spurs' GM/Coaching Tree Expands To 11
: http://bit.ly/19hWpBk
: Via RealGM Staff Report
: The San Antonio Spurs’ coaching and general manager tree during the tenure
: of Gregg Popovich and R.C. Buford has grown again this offseason with the
: hiring of Mike Budenholzer by the Atlanta Hawks and Brett Brown with the
: Philadelphia 76ers as head coaches.
: 隨著Mike Budenholzer與Brett Brown先後擔任老鷹與七六人隊的總教練,聯盟又多了
: 兩位曾經與馬刺隊合作的現役教練與總管。
: Jacque Vaughn left the Spurs last season to become head coach of the Orlando
: Magic, while Mike Brown is back with the Cleveland Cavaliers and is also a
: former assistant of Popovich. Monty Williams also began his coaching career
: with the Spurs during the 04-05 season.
: 在這兩人離開馬刺前,聯盟就已經有三位教練可以號稱是Gregg Popovich的徒弟,
: 他們分別是:
: .去年轉隊至魔術的Jacque Vaughn
: .今年回鍋騎士的Mike Brown
: .04-05球季在馬刺展開教練生涯的鵜鵠教練Monty Williams
: In terms of general manager positions, Danny Ferry (Hawks), Sam Presti
: (Oklahoma City Thunder), Dell Demps (New Orleans Pelicans), Kevin Pritchard
: (Indiana Pacers), Dennis Lindsey (Utah Jazz) and Rob Hennigan (Magic) all
: worked in the front office of the Spurs.
: 如果把觀察角度轉向總管與行政人員,曾經在馬刺有助理經歷的人就更多了:
: .老鷹Danny Ferry
: .雷霆Sam Presti
: .鵜鵠Dell Demps
: .溜馬Kevin Pritchard
: .爵士Dennis Lindsey
: .魔術Rob Hennigan
: Chris Grant worked under Ferry with the Cavaliers before becoming his
: replacement, while Rich Cho was Presti’s assistant general manager with the
: Thunder before becoming GM of the Blazers and then now with the Charlotte
: Bobcats.
: 馬刺的高層延伸族譜表還不止於此:
: .現任騎士總管Chris Grant這職務,是從Ferry繼承過來的
: .山貓總管Rich Cho曾經是Presti的助手,他後來也曾經被拓荒者挖角
: Michael Malone, now the head coach of the Sacramento Kings, worked for
: several seasons as an assistant to Brown with the Cavaliers.
: 教練方面,國王新教練Michael Malone曾經在LBJ時期的騎士,擔任Mike Brown的助教。