[球員] Bernard King─膝傷定義的名人堂生涯

作者: skymay (隨遇而安)   2013-09-07 23:46:35
Bernard King: Knee injury defined Hall of Fame career
Jeff Zillgitt, USA TODAY Sports
Bernard King finished his NBA career with an impressive — and now Hall of
Fame — résumé.
Bernard King有一個給人印象深刻的名人堂級別的履歷。
Known for his scoring, King:
大家熟知的得分能力,Bernard King有以下成就:
‧ Led the league in scoring at 32.9 points per game for the New York Knicks
in 1984-85.
★ 在1984-85年以每場比賽平均32.9分領先全聯盟
‧ Scored 50 points in back-to-back road games against the San Antonio Spurs
and Dallas Mavericks in 1984, lighting up George Gervin one night and Mark
Aguirre the next.
★ 1984年在兩次背靠背比賽中對陣馬刺與小牛的比賽中各得到50+得分
‧ Averaged 42.6 points in the New York Knicks' 3-2 series win against the
Detroit Pistons in the 1984 playoffs, including at least 40 points in each of
the final four games.
★ 在1984年季後賽3-2戰勝活塞的系列賽中場均砍下42.6分,其中包括系列賽後四場
‧ Finished his career at 22.5 points per game and 51.8% shooting from the
★ 以場均22.5分和51.8%的命中率結束自己的職業生涯。
But, King said, it was what happened between a torn anterior cruciate
ligament in his right knee on March 23, 1985 against the Kansas City Kings
and his return two years later, on April 10, 1987, that defined his NBA
career. At a time before advancements in arthroscopic knee surgery and when a
torn ACL could equal the end of a career, King made one of the most memorable
comebacks in NBA history.
但是,King告訴我們,重新定義他職業生涯的時刻在於他1985年 3月23號對陣堪薩斯
不完備而傷病幾乎等於職業生涯結束的年代,King 的回歸是NBA歷史上最令人難忘的
"It happened when it was open-knee surgery and three doctors told me I was
never going to play again and you need surgery just to be able to walk," King
said. "That's what I think about. I had the fortitude to work with my
therapist five hours a day, six days a week for two straight years —
climbing that mountain slowly, not quickly, step by step. And I made it back.
靠手術支持,」 King說道,「我是這樣想的,我有毅力每天堅持5個小時的治療,堅
"That's what I'm most gratified about when I think about my career."
King's career as a four-time All-Star, two-time first-team All-NBA, one-time
scoring champion will be remembered thoroughly over the next few days,
leading into his induction on Sunday into the Naismith Memorial Basketball
Hall of Fame.
King的生涯四度當選全明星,兩入NBA第一陣容,一屆得分王。 這些榮耀都在周日的
"He's one of the great scorers to ever play the game," said Washington
Wizards president Ernie Grunfeld, King's teammate at Tennessee and with the
Knicks. "He was almost unstoppable when he was at his peak. ... He had a very
well-rounded game and what set him apart in those days was that he was an
unbelievable competitor."
Grunfeld說道。 「他在巔峰時期是不可阻擋的...他的比賽非常全面,令他區別於其
King will be inducted along with Gary Payton, Rick Pitino, Jerry Tarkanian,
Guy Lewis, Sylvia Hatchell, Dawn Staley, Russ Granik, Richie Guerin, Oscar
Schmidt, E.B. Henderson and Roger Brown.
King將和Gary Payton, Rick Pitino, Jerry Tarkanian,Guy Lewis, Sylvia Hatchell,
Dawn Staley, Russ Granik, Richie Guerin, Oscar Schmidt, E.B. Henderson and
Roger Brown一起被提名進名人堂。
"It's a humbling experience," King said. "It's not something you can ever
dream about, and to know that what you've done in basketball or what I've
done warrants inclusion with the other greats who have played the game —
those who I watched growing up — Bill Russell, the Big O (Oscar Robertson),
Jerry West, Willis Reed. It's a very special experience and a wonderful time
in my life."
見的,能和你看著他們比賽長大的偉大球員—Bill Russell,大O,Jerry West,Willis
King's induction was perhaps delayed by his limited number of games played
because of injuries that forced him to miss the equivalent of three seasons.
He said he never obsessed about whether he would make it in to the Hall of
Fame. Incidentally, King is a test case for recently retired NBA star Tracy
McGrady, whose bouts of excellence were mitigated by injuries.
否進入名人堂。 有趣的是,King的生涯可以作為NBA剛退役的明星麥迪的教科書,他
"You can't ever determine when that's going to happen," King said. "It's not
something that's a right of yours. It's certainly something that I had hoped
would happen after I was nominated several times. Once you're nominated, you
hope to be included."
被提名之後這當然是我夢寐以求的。一旦你被提名,你就希望能被接納進名人堂。 」
Playing in an era with Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, Kareem-Abdul Jabbar,
Michael Jordan, Isiah Thomas and Julius Erving among others, King was a
dynamic scorer, propelled by his explosiveness and quick-release jump shot.
His tough-to-defend spin move, especially when he posted up, and his ability
to finish on fastbreaks were hallmarks of his offensive repertoire.
在Magic Johnson,Larry Bird,Jabbar,Michael Jordan,Isiah Thomas, J博士歐
文的時代打球,King也是一個偉大的得分手,他的看家本領是他的爆發力, 他敏捷的
He was an efficient scorer, too — not just a gunner. He shot 58.8%, 56.6%,
52.8%, 57.2% and 53% in consecutive seasons from 1980-81 through 1984-85. In
1984-85, he had the third-best player efficiency rating — a measure of a
player's per-minute productivity — behind MVP Bird and Rookie of the Year
Jordan, according to basketball-reference.com.
By the mid 1980s, King had electrified the NBA. A native of Brooklyn, King
was at home at Madison Square Garden. He dropped 60 and 55 points on the New
Jersey Nets and 52 on the Indiana Pacers in the same season.
他是個很高效的得分手。他在1980到1984年命中率連續的高達58.8%, 56.6%, 52.8%,
57.2% 和53%。他每分鐘得分效率僅次於MVP年的Bird和新秀賽季的Jordan。1980年代
中期,King震撼了NBA。 作為布魯克林人,同一個賽季他在對陣新澤西籃網的時候砍
King sustained his injury at the end of the 1985 season when he was 28 years
old and lost two prime years of his career. Even though he scored 30, 29 and
31 points in the final three games of the 1986-1987 season, the Knicks did
not bring him back.
28歲的King在受傷之後於1985年末回到了賽場,雖然他在1986 -1987最後的三場比賽
"When you're challenged with an obstacle, I've always said that the pain is
not in the falling, the pain is in getting up," King said.
He found a new home with the Washington Bullets and averaged at least 20
points in four consecutive seasons, including 28.4 in 1990-91. That season,
he made the All-Star team and was third-team All-NBA. King had 29 games of 30
or more points (fourth-best in the league) and 11 games of 40 or more points
(tied for the league-lead with Jordan) that season.
"He knew he didn't have the same explosive athleticism he had before the
injury, but he figured out how to make himself an extremely effective
player," Grunfeld said.
King retired after the 1992-1993 season and went about his life. He married,
had a daughter, who is now 15, and works a variety of jobs – occasional
basketball analyst on TV, started a software company with a business partner
and serves as an advisor for a sports agency.
Around the house, he is just Bernard or dad – a husband and father. Except
for occasional video highlights or stories, his wife, Shana, and daughter,
Amina, don't know much about his career.
1992-1993賽季之後他退役了,生命還要繼續。 他結婚生女,女兒目前15歲,他先後
候,他就是Bernard或者是爸爸─ 一個丈夫,一個父親。除了通過採訪和雜誌報紙,
"We never talk about my playing days. That's not anything we focus on," King
said. "It's 'When are you going to take the garbage?' and 'Help me with
homework.' Just like everyone else and that's the way it should be.
"But this is a tremendous honor and they know it."
STATISTICS: Bernard King's career averages
1977-78 21 NJN 79 39.1 .479 .677 9.5 2.4 1.5 0.5 3.9 3.8 24.2
1978-79 22 NJN 82 34.9 .522 .564 8.2 3.6 1.4 0.5 3.9 4.0 21.6
1979-80 23 UTA 19 22.1 .518 .540 4.6 2.7 0.4 0.2 2.6 3.5 9.3
1980-81 24 GSW 81 36.0 .588 .333 .703 6.8 3.5 0.9 0.4 3.3 3.8 21.9
1981-82*25 GSW 79 77 36.2 .566 .200 .705 5.9 3.6 1.0 0.3 3.4 3.6 23.2
1982-83 26 NYK 68 68 32.5 .528 .000 .722 4.8 2.9 1.3 0.2 2.9 3.4 21.9
1983-84*27 NYK 77 76 34.6 .572 .000 .779 5.1 2.1 1.0 0.2 2.6 3.5 26.3
1984-85*28 NYK 55 55 37.5 .530 .100 .772 5.8 3.7 1.3 0.3 3.7 3.5 32.9
1985-86 29 Did Not Play (injury—knee)
1986-87 30 NYK 6 4 35.7 .495 .744 5.3 3.2 0.3 0.0 2.5 2.3 22.7
1987-88 31 WSB 69 38 29.6 .501 .167 .762 4.1 2.8 0.7 0.1 3.1 2.9 17.2
1988-89 32 WSB 81 81 31.6 .477 .167 .819 4.7 3.6 0.8 0.2 2.8 2.7 20.7
1989-90 33 WSB 82 82 32.8 .487 .130 .803 4.9 4.6 0.6 0.1 3.0 2.8 22.4
1990-91*34 WSB 64 64 37.5 .472 .216 .790 5.0 4.6 0.9 0.3 4.0 2.9 28.4
1991-92 35 Did Not Play (injury)
1992-93 36 NJN 32 2 13.4 .514 .286 .684 2.4 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.7 1.7 7.0
Career 874 547 33.7 .518 .172 .730 5.8 3.3 1.0 0.3 3.2 3.3 22.5
作者: martell11655 (Mart)   2013-09-07 23:48:00
作者: dtundertaker (dtundertaker)   2013-09-08 02:20:00
記得他多靠中距離投射? 結果命中率這麼高!?

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