Jennings 剩下的pre-season都不能上場了,甚至開季幾場都會缺賽.... 因為..........
他的智齒 長歪然後裂掉了 (天阿............. 聽了就覺得不下ACL 撕裂傷...) 治療
過程包含了會有幾天綁在病床上不能動...... (這....)
這是繼Rodney Stucky 關車門壓到手指後第二個無言的Pistons 傷兵
The Pistons backcourt is taking a beating already.
The Pistons announced new point guard Brandon Jennings is out for at least
the beginning of the regular season because of an impacted wisdom tooth and
hairline fracture at the base of it.
The team announced Tuesday that Jennings will be out three weeks, which
includes complete immobilization. Assuming he's able to return after three
weeks, he'd miss four regular season games.