※ 引述《shintshint (菜瓜布)》之銘言:
: ※ [本文轉錄自 Jeremy_Lin 看板 #1IVF-uLO ]
: 作者: benjamin66 (存在本身已是一種傷害) 看板: Jeremy_Lin
: 標題: Re: [影音] 這個play 大家怎看
: 時間: Fri Nov 8 23:13:52 2013
: https://twitter.com/YannisHW/status/398682119511097345
: Yannis Koutroupis
: James Harden just lit into Jeremy Lin for his last shot. Beverly and McHale had to signal to him to calm down.
: 哈登對lin剛剛的投射發怒,需要PB和McFail叫他冷靜。
: occupatio(譯按:火箭迷)
: Yannis Koutroupis is a reporter with HoopsWorld.com. Based on the timestamp of the tweet, it must refer to the play in the 4th quarter (1:21 left on game clock) in which Parsons passed to Lin with only 3 seconds left on the shot clock so Lin had to force up a shot, which he missed.
: Yannis Koutroupis是HoopsWorld.com的記者。基於推特發出的時間,這應該是在說第四節那個進攻(大鐘1:21時),當時Parsons只剩3秒時傳球給lin因此林被逼出手,然後沒進。
: Harden was probably not taking issue with Lin's shot (after all, he was forced to shoot it with only 3 seconds), but rather chewed Lin out for actually trying to run team offense (what a novel idea!), whereas Harden just wants to shoot every single possession himself. Goes 9 for 24 tonight, choking in crunch time ISO just like he did last season.
: 哈登應該不是在怪lin的射球(畢竟,他是被迫在只有3秒下出手),而是怪林試圖運行團隊進攻(真是一個新穎的想法!),哈登只是希望每波進攻都由他來射。命中率9/24的今晚,他繼續在關鍵時刻ISO然後敗球,就像他上賽季一樣。
: Harden refused to pass to Jeremy, especially in the 4th quarter, even with Lin clapping his hands for the ball and wide open on many plays. More opportunities for Harden to show off his playmaking tonight with no-look turnovers.
: 哈登拒絕傳球給lin,尤其是在第四節,即使很多次lin大空檔拍手向他要球。更多的機會讓哈登用「no-look失誤」展現他的組織進攻能力。
: Lin only shot the ball once in the 4th (the play mentioned above) and a total of 8 shots (for 16 pts) in the entire game. No one showed up to play tonight except Lin, but he barely touched the ball, and is not allowed to run the offense as the PG.
: 林在整個第四節只投球一次(就是上面提過那球)整場投球8次(16分)。今晚除了lin沒有火箭隊員站出來,但他很少機會碰過球,更沒機會組織進攻雖然他是控衛。
: Basically, Lin only gets to touch the ball when he rebounds it himself LOL. That's how it's been this season, and not because he's been playing poorly. After 6 games, Lin has an incredible TS% of .668 (.547 FG%, 0.438 3P%) and his PER is 19.02.
: 基本上,林只有在抓到籃板時才有機會碰到球哈哈哈。這就是這賽季的情況了,但這並不是因為林打的很爛。經過六場比賽,林的TS%是難以置信的 .668(.547 FG%, 0.438 3P%)而他的PER 是 19.02。
: The only players on the team who are interested in playing team basketball are Lin, Garcia, and Asik. Parsons, who said in the offseason that he is one of the Rockets 'Big Three,' is just looking to get his own, often trying to do too much, more than he is capable of.
: 隊上只有Lin, Garcia, 和 Asik 想打團隊籃球。Parsons,在休賽期自稱是火箭隊的「三王」之一,只是想要表現自己,想做太多自己力有不逮的事。
: Team is not a team. Rockets are a joke.
: 團隊已經不是團隊了,火箭是一個笑話。
: 基本上,林只有在抓到籃板時才有機會碰到球
: 這一句感覺好熟......
其實我覺得真正讓哈汀變成這樣子的元兇 應該是世界和平先生吧
他那一肘可能把哈汀的腦子灌壞了 他才會說出這種無腦的話
打團隊籃球不重要? 去問熱火 去問馬刺 更甚者你去問狗鼻
我相信狗鼻也不會講 自幹才是唯一的真理 如果自幹才是王道的話 他去年幹嘛跟西瓜
我只能講太早成名讓他沖昏頭了 他現在打球就是個老球皮 沒去看官網介紹 你還以為
他跟老衲是同梯的 把輸球怪罪在PG愛打團隊進攻 然後一堆人瞎捧他是第一SG
他現在的能力根本連狗鼻和Wade的屁毛都比不上 數據刷得再漂亮 你沒辦法扛起一支球隊
也沒屌用 LBJ講過要刷數據大家都會 他也拿過得分王 講難聽點今天LBJ要跟你拚得分王
你大概也只能在旁邊吃土 但是拿得分王能幹嘛? 球隊無法奪冠有什麼屁用?
最後還是團隊才是唯一解 今天有人要跟你一起打團隊籃球 你要有感恩的心
不是在那嘴"傳個狗屁球 你們卡好人看我自幹就好" 你有沒有發現這句很眼熟?
至少這句前一個形容的人 還會知道要防守 他年輕時也曾經被迷迷捧過擁有阿鼻地獄
級的防守 結果這個新一代的第一SG只會在那等對方投完球換邊 準備下一波自幹
人家抱大腿 想得是要怎樣奪冠 至少人家狗鼻刷數據 還不忘想辦法贏球
結果你抱大腿 只想要刷數據 輸都是別人的錯 我今天刷35分 你敢嘴我?
今天會輸 就是沒讓我自幹 愛在那打團隊籃球 你不要忘了你今天搭的是只有3成功力
的盜版歐肥 頂多只有罰球很像而已 這隻大腿還沒粗到可以讓你忘我自幹
講難聽點 熱火三巨頭的大腿夠不夠粗 你看他們敢不敢瘋狂自幹?
人家奪冠會說都是八爺 鳥人 哈斯蘭的功勞 你只會講隊友愛傳球害我們輸球
講話不經大腦 真該叫世界和平在灌哈汀一次 看哈汀會不會恢復正常