[外絮] 波波維奇:用Sloan的方法去使用老兵們

作者: skymay (隨遇而安)   2013-11-18 11:01:06
Spurs notebook: Popovich draws from Sloan's coaching ways
馬刺主教練Gregg Popovich接受採訪時表示,球隊打算用Sloan教練的方法去使用自己球
Former Jazz great John Stockton, the NBA's all-time assists leader, played
until he was 41. That was in part because former Utah coach Jerry Sloan began
managing his minutes long before the Hall of Fame point guard reached the age
when most perimeter players begin to show the effects of the NBA grind.
前爵士明星控衛John Stockton打到了41歲才退役,這是因為Jerry Sloan 教練在很早的
“Coach Sloan certainly did have a great influence on minutes for John,”
Popovich said, “and we've tried to do that same thing for Timmy (Duncan)
and Manu (Ginobili) and Tony (Parker).”
波波說:「Sloan教練絕對在John的出場時間上起到了影響,我們已經嘗試了在Timmy 、
“I respect a lot of things about the way the Jazz have operated for a very
long time,” he said. “Of course, for my experience it begins with Coach
Sloan being the guy. Even Coach (Frank) Layden, before him, I know they ran
their program the same way.
波波說:「之前爵士的很多管理方法,我都非常尊敬。 當然,從我的經歷來看,這是從
“The respect grew out of the professionalism we observed. It carries into
how they run their practices; how they substitute people; how they keep their
business to themselves; how they win or they lose and they go home.”
波波說:「我對他們的這種尊敬是因為他們的職業性, 他們把這種職業性帶到了訓練中
“We learned a lot from the Jazz organization, without a doubt.”
作者: malone321214 (MM)   2013-11-18 11:17:00
作者: dogisburning (薄皮嫩雞)   2013-11-18 12:17:00

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