nypgand1 (祈附‧征前御祭)
2013-11-23 23:53:19這篇真的很難翻
: 8. 他相信進階數據那套嗎?
: Is he an advanced stats guy?
: Yes, but reputedly by accident. Jackson won’t admit to letting analytics
: dictate his actions, but his actions often agree with the stats. He likes
: leaving players in the game after they’ve incurred foul “trouble.” He
: likes when his players fire up 3-pointers immediately off offensive rebounds.
: He sometimes lets his team run the final play without a timeout to guide
: them. If Jackson comes about these sound decisions by accident, it may be
: because bad coaching decisions skew fearful, and Jackson isn’t a fearful
: coach.
: 相信,但不過聽說是場意外。他不會讓那些分析去指導他的執教,但是他的作為卻往往
: 跟數據所指出的不謀而合。他不會因球員惹上犯規麻煩就他們換下來,他喜歡讓球員在
: 搶到進攻籃板後馬上來噴個三分(譯按: 是因為往往搶到進攻籃板時對方防守往往已經
: 亂開所以很容易有空檔嗎?)他有時候也會在最後一波進攻時不喊暫停,讓球員自己發
: 揮。如果說他這些作為都只是巧合,那應該是因為壞的執教會懼怕而畏縮,而Jackson
: 並不是個有所畏懼的教練。
最後一句有點難 (這篇真的很難...)
如果 MJ 這些合理的決策只是巧合,或許可以這麼解釋:
「懼怕」會讓人傾向於做出糟糕的決策,但 MJ 並不是一個會心存恐懼的教練。
: Golden State’s execution is more unusual than the particular play calls they
: use. It’s upside-down world, where big men can push fast breaks and shooting
: guards regularly punish defenders in the post. The latter strategy is
: designed to hurt teams that guard Curry with someone other than their
: smallest player.
: 勇士的戰術執行比他們紙面上設計的那些戰術還要不尋常一些,這是個反過來的世界,
: 他們的大漢們可以衝快攻、而他們的小後衛卻常能在低位虐虐防守者。後面這招是拿來
: 對付那些比Curry 還矮的防守者的。
勇士的 SG 時常在低位造成破壞,
這個策略是在懲罰那些拿大後衛去守 Curry 的球隊。
(所以 SG 對到小後衛)
像 Klay Thompson 這樣在低位虐 Steve Blake