After suffering a torn meniscus in his right knee, there were understandable
concern that Eric Bledsoe would not return to the Phoenix Suns this season.
However, after undergoing successful surgery Thursday morning,
the team believes Bledsoe will return at some point this season
with early speculation likely being between 6-8 weeks.
在Bledsoe右膝半月板撕裂傷後 本擔心是整季報銷的傷勢
The surgery was performed in Phoenix by renowned Suns team doctor
and knee surgeon Thomas Carter. Bledsoe will immediately begin a recovery
and rehabilitation program and will pursue a possible return to action during t
he second half of this NBA season.
由太陽著名的隊醫 膝蓋手術的權威外科醫師 Thomas Carter 執刀
術後Bledsoe立刻開始了復健計畫 追求在賽季後半復出的可能
Of course, Bledsoe is set to become a restricted free agent at season end
so it’s unlikely he’ll return early, even if the Suns are in the midst of
a potential playoff race as he certainly wouldn’t want to hurt an upcoming
contract by re-injuring himself.
Still – with over three months of regular season action still remaining,
it’s likely we’ll see Bledsoe again at some point this year.
Hopefully the Suns will have been able to maintain their solid record and
be in position for a playoff birth.
本季賽程尚有三個月多 我們還是很有機會看見Bledsoe的復出