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作者: j401f2 (我要吃飯)   2014-03-06 02:09:02
All-Star Break and the Road Trip
Posted by JLin
Whatsup everybody!!
Since my last blog post, a lot has happened. The most interesting thing was
All-Star Break because we were able to have a family reunion in Connecticut.
You may be asking, why would he choose to go to Connecticut in the middle of
a blizzard? Great question hahah. Because we wanted to see BabyLin play his
last two regular season basketball games for Hamilton College.
這次藉由BabyLin的球賽和Allstar的假期 家人可以好好團聚
Because my NBA season and Joseph's college season always overlap, I never get
a chance to see him play live. The last time I saw him play was when I was
still with the Knicks, which seems like foreverrrr ago. Anyways, we stayed in
this random, wooden house in Connecticut, hung out with the family, watched
Joseph play basketball and rested from the normal grind of the NBA season.
Aside from watching Joe hoop, some of my favorite moments from the weekend
were snowball fights with the family, listening to the Frozen soundtrack at 6
am with my nieces and wearing my awesome sweatshirt with an astronaut surfing
on a wave lolll.
The best part about this past month is that we have been winning! We had a
5-game road trip out West, which allowed me to see my family/friends and to
escape the cold weather. Although I haven't been playing as well as I hoped
to, I know it's a long season of ups-and-downs. There are few things more
discouraging than going through slumps, but after being in the league for
four years, I understand that they are inevitable and that I just need to
stay focused and keep giving it my all. One thing I have been learning to
focus on during basketball slumps is to depend more on God and try to love
Him more. It helps me keep basketball and life in the proper perspective, and
gives me the strength to persevere when I am mentally or physically weary.
We can't always perform as well as we want to, but we can control how we
respond and who we turn to when things get rough.
JLin說人生難免起起落落 無法盡如人意
他這段時間打得不好 但只要保持專注 更愛祂一點 就能度過低潮!!!!
在NBA待了四個球季 他已經兵來將擋 水來土淹~~
One verse that has spoken loud to me is Joshua 1:9

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