[外絮] SportVU透視: Aldridge的擋拆防守有問題?

作者: Tendywang (..)   2014-03-08 23:39:32
When we looked at the teammates that had defended the pick-and-roll the best
on Wednesday, Mo Williams and Robin Lopez were sixth on the list, but the
Portland Trail Blazers were nowhere near the top 10 in team rankings.
According to SportVU, the Blazers ranked 26th in pick-and-roll defense
through Monday’s games and are up to 22nd after a game against the reeling
Hawks on Wednesday. They’ve allowed 1.06 points per pick-and-roll possession
overall, even though they’ve been pretty good when Lopez has been the guy
defending the screener, allowing just 1.01. That ranks 55th among 134 players
who had been the screener’s defender on at least 200 pick-and-roll
possessions through Wednesday. Not great, but above-average.
Note: All stats included here are through Wednesday, March 5.
在上一篇討論溜馬防守的文章裡,針對pick-and-roll防守搭檔的排名,Mo Williams和
Robin Lopez高居第6,但是拓荒者全隊的數據卻連前10名都摸不著邊。
註: 所有數據統計到3/5(三)為止。
But near the bottom of the list is Lopez’s frontcourt-mate, LaMarcus
Aldridge. The Blazers have allowed 1.17 points per possession when Aldridge
has been the guy defending the screener. Of those 134 players who have
defended at least 200 pick-and-roll possessions, only one – Trevor Booker –
has a higher mark (1.18).
The discrepancy between Lopez’s and Aldridge’s numbers is rather
remarkable, because both bigs basically defend pick-and-rolls the same way
(though Portland will mix things up a little with Aldridge). While the Pacers
drop back with their centers and show high with their power forwards, both
Aldridge (most of the time) and Lopez drop back…
但Lopez的前場搭擋LaMarcus Aldridge出現在這份名單的倒數幾名,當Aldridge面對擋拆
進攻時,拓荒者平均每次失分高達1.17分,在這134人中只贏過了Trevor Booker(1.18分)

Who are they guarding?
Is it a power forward vs. center thing? The players Aldridge is guarding
(Dirk Nowitzki, Blake Griffin, Kevin Love, etc.) are generally more potent
offensively than those Lopez is guarding. And the biggest difference in
Aldridge and Lopez’s numbers is the field goal percentage that the screener
has shot when he has got the ball…
But other defenses in the West don’t have the same discrepancy.
When the starting power forwards from the other top 10 teams in the West have
defended the screener on a pick-and-roll, the opponent has scored 1.02 points
per possession. And when the starting centers on those same teams have
defended the screener, the opponent has scored 1.02 points per possession. No
discrepancy at all.
The Suns’ pick-and-roll defense has been slightly better when Miles Plumlee
has defended the screener than when Channing Frye has, and the same goes for
the Warriors, Andrew Bogut and David Lee. But none of the other nine teams
has nearly the difference that we see with the Blazers.
員(Dirk Nowitzki、Blake Griffin、Kevin Love等),而Aldridge和Lopez在數據上最大
確實當Miles Plumlee面對pick-and-roll時,太陽的表現比Channing Frye防守時還要好
一點點,勇士這邊的Andrew Bogut和David Lee也是類似的情形,但是沒有任何一支球隊
The eye test
Watching film, Aldridge doesn’t come across as a noticeably bad
pick-and-roll defender. He’s usually in the right position, he doesn’t get
caught standing still, or get turned around and lost on possessions (like a
couple of bigs in New York).
The Blazers track every defensive possession themselves and say that Aldridge
grades out closer the league average on pick-and-rolls (and that Lopez still
grades out as better). And when we look at the 57 percent that the screener
has shot on Aldridge-defended pick-and-rolls, we’re only talking about 132
shots, not the greatest sample size.
But Synergy Sports grades him as “poor” in regard to defending the roll
man. And it’s not hard to find examples (via NBA.com/stats video boxscores)
where he fails to close out and lets an opposing big shoot in rhythm…
可是Synergy Sports還是給予他的擋拆防守"不及格"的評價,而且要找到他防守不力的例
Example 1: Marc Gasol
Example 2: David West
Example 3: Dante Cunningham
Example 4: Blake Griffin
You can also find examples of him closing out fine, but other West power
forwards grade out better via SportVU. The screener takes more shots and
shoots them better against Aldridge than any of the other nine guys listed
below (from the other West teams at or above .500), even though they’ve all
had to defend Aldridge himself, who has attempted almost 200 more mid-range
shots than any other player in the league.
Right shots, wrong results
Again, we’re only looking at 132 of the 5,350 shots that Portland opponents
have attempted this season. And the Blazers do force the right shots.
The intent of their drop-back scheme is to force the least efficient shots on
the floor, between the restricted area and the 3-point line. And 45.4 percent
of Portland opponents’ shots have come from there. That’s the fifth highest
mark in the league, behind only teams that rank in the top five in defensive
efficiency. Portland also ranks in the top 10 in percentage of jump shots
that they’ve contested.
But their opponents have made 41 percent of those shots between the
restricted area and 3-point line, the fourth highest percentage.
第5高的數字,不過比他們高的這4支球隊卻都能在防守效率排進Top 5的水準,遠勝於拓
(http://leelou.pixnet.net/blog/post/32049455 第一個表格)
Whether that’s a case of bad luck or because they don’t really contest that
well, that’s still just 0.82 points per attempt, which is fine defensively.
The Blazers also rank 11th in 3-point defense and second in defending the
restricted area.
So, in terms of defending shots, the Blazers do a pretty good job, despite
the Aldridge pick-and-roll issue. They rank seventh in opponent effective
field goal percentage. But they rank 19th in defensive efficiency, mostly
because they force the fewest turnovers in the league, just 12.3 per 100
possessions. And they force only 11.3 with their starting lineup on the floor.
In part, that goes back to their pick-and-roll defense. Not only do the bigs
drop back (which means that ball-handlers don’t have to pick up their
dribble and make a pass as often), but the guards (especially Damian Lillard
and Wesley Matthews) don’t apply much pressure up front and can get caught
on those screens. No Blazer ranks in the top 80 in steals per game.
Still, the Blazers are OK when Lopez defends pick-and-rolls. And it may be
that his ability to stop the ball-handler and stay in contact with the roll
man that allows his teammates to better defend their own guys. If Aldridge is
a step slower, that can have a domino effect two or three passes away.
問題(這表示持球者不需要常常停球以及傳球),同時也因為後衛(特別是Damian Lillard
和Wesley Matthews)很少上前對持球者施加壓力,還很容易被掩護者所阻擋。因此反應在
Trending up?
The Blazers actually have the No. 1 defense since the All-Star break. That
number has been schedule-aided though, as they’ve played the Jazz, Lakers,
Hawks, and two games against the depleted Nuggets. It also may have been
aided by Aldridge’s absence in the first five post-break games, as they
found some defensive success playing smaller and quicker.
Aldridge is back and we’re going to find out if the Portland defense is
really improved over the next 10 days, when five of their six games are
against teams that rank in the top 12 offensively (and the other is against
the improved Grizzlies).
A five-game trip begins against the fourth-ranked Dallas offense on Friday
and we’ll see how well Aldridge contests Nowitzki.

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