ElliotMa (ElliotMa)
2014-05-10 14:56:00Source:http://blog.lakers.com/lakers/2014/05/09/kobe-on-kimmel/?cid=FB
Q: On his physical health:
Bryant: From a health standpoint, 100 percent.
Q: 關於身體健康:
Bryant: 從「健康」的角度來看已經是100%了。
Q: On where he's at from a basketball perspective:
Bryant: I'm not there yet. I started doing a lot of on-court training, and
so I'm back into my routine, my lifting, started doing the running, which I
hate. But by the time the season comes around I'll be ready to go.
Q: 從球場上的觀點來看他現在的處境:
Bryant: 我還沒辦法上場,我已經開始做一些球場上的訓練、基礎訓練、重訓、
Q: On watching the Lakers' 2013-14 season in which he played only six games:
Bryant: I'd rather stay home and eat paint chips. It was tough, man. It was
really, really tough. But when you go through seasons like that, it just adds
fuel to the fire.
Q: 關於他只打了六場比賽的2013-14賽季的湖人隊的看法:
Bryant: 我還寧願待在家打醬油,這真的很難去面對,不過當你度過了這樣的
Q: On if he feels optimistic about next season:
Bryant: Absolutely.
Q: 關於他是否對下個賽季保持樂觀:
Bryant: 當然。
Q: On Magic Johnson's comment about coach Mike D'Antoni resigning:
Bryant: The first thing I thought of was seeing the munchkins on the yellow
brick road dancing and singing “The wicked witch is dead” when (Magic) said
that, that song just came to mind. But look, Mike was dealt a really bad hand
when dealing with all the injuries he had. This is a tough place if you're
not winning. I honestly didn’t care (to see him go).
Q: 關於Magic Johnson 對MDA辭職所發表的評論:
Bryant: 當Magic說那些話的時候,我第一個浮現在腦海裡的是一個小矮人在黃磚路上
Q: On if the team consults him about coaching candidates, and the approach of
team owners Jim and Jeanie Buss:
Bryant: On the last two, they didn't. on the next one, I'm hoping they do.
Jimmy and Jeanie both are really determined and excited about the
possibilities of next season and rebuilding this, building on their father's
legacy and everything that he's accomplished. They're taking the challenge
extremely, extremely seriously; they're both on the same page and they want
nothing but excellence here, so I have no doubt that we'll make it happen.
Q: 關於球隊是否會與他討論教練的人選,以及老闆Jim和Jeanie Buss的方針:
Bryant: 他們在選擇前兩任教練的時候沒有問過我,我希望他們在找下一個教練的時候
Q: On if management needs to take his temperature on the coaching hire:
Bryant: Now I think it's an open-door policy. We talk back and forth, text …
honestly it's not really about whether the players like the coach or not. It
's really about getting results. Liking somebody and results don't
necessarily go hand in hand. Sometimes when a coach is driving you, you don'
t necessarily like him, but it's part of the process. Then once you win,
everybody is buddy-buddy after that.
Q: 關於管理階層在僱用教練的時候是否要看他的臉色:
Bryant: 我覺得現階段誰都可以,說實話這與球員喜不喜歡教練無關,重要的是結果,
Q: On if anyone drives him harder than he drives himself:
Bryant: No, I'm pretty psychopathic when it comes to that stuff. But Phil
(Jackson), I've been very lucky to have Phil as a coach throughout my entire
career, and Tex Winter, Jim Cleamons, Frank Hamblen, Brian Shaw and those
guys have really done wonders for my career.
Q: 關於如果有人對他的要求超過他自己對自己的要求:
Bryant: 那不會發生的,我對於這類事情有很強的偏執,除了Phil Jackson,我很幸運
在我的生涯中能夠有Phil來當我的教練,還有Tex Winter、Jim Cleamons、Frank Hamblen
、Brian Shaw等等,這些人真的對我的生涯提供了很大的幫助。
Q: On if he considered buying the Clippers:
Bryant: No. That's not a possibility, but in terms of brand depreciation,
that's as quick as you can get.
Q: 關於他是否會考慮買下快艇:
Bryant: 不,那是不可能的,不過要是它降價了,你可以趕快去買。
Q: His reflection on when the Clippers were recruiting him in free agency and
his meeting with Donald Sterling:
Bryant: At the time the biggest concern was, was he willing to spend to have
a successful team. He said during the meeting he was willing to make that
commitment to bring a championship team – another championship team to Los
Angeles. He has done that. He has spent the money to go out, keep Blake
(Griffin) and DeAndre (Jordan) and Chris (Paul) and those guys.
Q: 關於快艇在自由市場招攬他的時候他的反應,以及他與Donald Sterling的會面
Bryant: 最大的問題在於,他是否願意花錢來組建一個成功的隊伍,在會面的時候他說
Griffin、DeAndre Jordan、Chris Paul與他們的快樂夥伴們。
Q: On if he watches the Clippers in the playoffs and whether there is a
rooting interest for or against them:
Bryant: It doesn't really matter to me. I'm not winning so what the hell do
I care who wins? Doesn't matter to me, man. But most of them are friends of
mine. Chris is a good friend. I make sure I sent him a message during this
whole fiasco. I watch and hope the guys I know do well.
Q: 關於他是否有在關注快艇在季後賽的表現以及他是在幫他加油還是相反:
Bryant: 那不關我的事,贏的又不是我所以他X的幹嘛要關心誰贏?不過那裏有很多人
Q: On if it's difficult to watch when the Clippers are doing so well:
Bryant: I think it's great for the city, I think it's great for
competition. I love it when they do well. I would love nothing more than for
the Lakers to get back to that championship level and meet the Clippers in
the playoffs. I think that would be fantastic.
Q: 看到快艇打的這麼好會不會讓感到有些難受:
Bryant: 我認為這對這座城市、對這個聯盟是好事,看到他們打的好我很高興,如果
Q: On teaching his daughter a lesson about losing:
Bryant: Our youngest one becomes very emotional when she loses. She had a
really tough game. She's playing softball, she had a tough time, she's
crying. I was telling her: ‘It's alright. You lose, it's OK.’ (She said):
‘No, it's not OK.’ I'm like: ‘How the hell do I reach this kid?’ I
showed her us getting absolutely destroyed, pummeled by the Celtics in the
Finals and being upset and crying and stuff and showing it's OK. Then I
showed her the 2010 Finals and we bounced back, redeemed ourselves and tried
to use that as some kind of a teaching tool. She went out in the championship
game and had the game-winning double, so seems like it worked pretty well for
Q: 關於教導他的女兒面對失敗:
Bryant: 我最小的女兒在輸球的時候會很情緒化,她打壘球,打得很糟,然後她會哭
Q: On Nick Young's first pitch at the Dodgers game:
Bryant: That's crazy. I pray to god he (didn't do that on purpose). That’s
so bad it's impressive.
Q: 關於Nick Young在道奇隊比賽時的開球:
Bryant: 那太瘋狂了,我祈禱他不是故意的,那真是爛到令人印象深刻。
Q: On Phil Jackson telling a story of young Kobe Bryant meeting Michael
Jordan and telling Jordan he'd kick his (butt) in a game of one-on-one:
Bryant: Well, you know, it's half true. Phil – as much as I love Phil
– likes to embellish. He writes books – a lot. He has to market those
books. But the other story is Michael was dishing it out to me as well, man.
Years later, after I scored 81, he was barking about how I could never do it
against him. ‘You're never going to do it against me. I would have fouled
out.’ We would have went back and forth. I usually try to stay pretty cool
when it comes to MJ because I looked up to him so much, but on that
particular occasion, I had to remind him I did have 42 in one half against
him. But Phil loves embellishing. I told him at some point, ‘You're going
to have to give me some royalties off your books.’
Q: 關於Phil Jackson說年輕的KB跑去嗆MJ說可以在一對一單挑中狠狠地修理MJ的故事:
Bryant: 你知道的,這只對了一半,雖然我愛Phil,不過你也知道他很喜歡加油添醋,
Q: On if he misses Phil:
Bryant: I do. We still speak often. I think he'll do fantastic (in New
York), especially the more people say he won't be successful. I found myself
reading a lot of the books that he gave me when I was a player that I was
just too young, and had too much energy to actually sit down and pay
attention to. But he was just a fantastic mentor and unbelievable coach.
Q: 關於他是否想念Phil:
Bryant: 是的,我們現在還是常常聊天,我認為他在紐約會做得非常好,特別是當大家
Q: On if he feels like the Lakers can win next year:
Bryant: I do. We will make changes for sure, there are certain
characteristics you have to build your team around with speed and length and
rebounding. We'll make those adjustments.
Q: 關於他是否認為湖人明年可以打得好:
Bryant: 是的,我們肯定會做些改變,我們必須要圍繞著速度、高度和籃板球為核心,