yangmie (楊咩)
2014-05-21 08:47:08整理了一下
結果 原機率
1 9 Cleveland (Lottery chances: 1.7%)
2 1 Milwaukee (Lottery chances: 25.0%)
3 2 Philadelphia (Lottery chances: 19.9%)
4 3 Orlando (Lottery chances: 15.6%)
5 4 Utah (Lottery chances: 10.4%)
6 5 Boston (Lottery chances: 10.3%)
7 6 L.A. Lakers (Lottery chances: 6.3%)
8 7 Sacramento (Lottery chances: 4.3%)
9 8 Detroit(a) (Lottery chances: 2.8%) to Charlotte
10 10 New Orleans(b) (Lottery chances: 1.1%) to Philadelphia
11 11 Denver(c) (Lottery chances: 0.8%)
12 12 New York(d) (Lottery chances: 0.7%) to Orlando
13 13 Minnesota(e) (Lottery chances: 0.6%)
14 14 Phoenix (Lottery chances: 0.5%)
(a) 底特律如果沒有抽中前八,籤將會給予夏洛特。
(b) 紐奧良如果沒有抽中前三,籤將會給予費城。
(c) 籤可能會給予奧蘭多。
(d) 奧蘭多可能會拿到這個籤,或者拿到丹佛的那支籤,取決於何者較高。
(e) 如果鳳凰城抽中前三,這個籤將會給予鳳凰城。