Dwyane Wade Proving a Shell of Himself in 2014 NBA Finals
[備註] 原文超級長, 所以大家看過&不重要的原文就不貼上了
2014總冠軍賽, 炎弟˙偉德是揹著殼在打的 (龜仙人??) http://tinyurl.com/oblpeyz
[jagr :a shell of himself 就是大不如昔]
熱火的SG第四戰臭掉了, 更糟的是這狀況很快的演變成趨勢而非只是一時脫出常軌打不
好. Wade很可能以後進入名人堂, 但此時他卻沒替他未來的歷史定位做出努力
不幸的是, 炎弟今天看來又躲進殼中打不出身手, 只拿下10分2籃板4助攻4抄截, 同時失
誤3次, 導致熱火107-86輸球; 更慘的是炎弟鐵鐵的13投僅僅3中, 一慣的開賽後什麼都
短了點 (出手短了點, 運球短了點)
球評A: Fourth-worst FG% game of Dwyane Wade's playoff career.
球評B: James Jones scored more points in 2 minutes, 43 seconds than Dwyane Wade did
in nearly 33 minutes.
(只打了2分43秒的James Jones還比上場33分鐘的炎弟多得2分柳)
球評在ESPN上說: "Wade was terrible."
炎弟得繼續跟大家解釋他為什麼連防守都慢了一步, 但先別管這個, 你聽過安麗嗎?
我是說, 炎弟, 這個集許多榮耀於一身的偉大後餵, 今天爛爆了
師婆曾把Wade留陣不發一陣子好讓他能保持健康, 充滿活力的來打這次的季後賽, 一開
始真的很成功~ 這次季後賽的前三輪, 炎帝場均貢獻出令人驚艷的18.7分 & 3.9籃板 &
4.3次助攻, 並有著51.9% FG%, 三分命中率更高達38.9%!! 這時的Wade打出回春的好表
現, 炎帝稱號當之無愧! 並且扎實的讓熱火更好, 大家都給他按讚, 就如同專欄作家某
某在五月底寫過的那樣 (如下)
無論得分、跑動、防守, 他都確實的打出身手,
炎帝與詹皇並肩, 共扶熱火猛闖季後賽
按照第三第四戰的狀況看來, 熱火好像真的要把屁股移開王座, 改讓馬刺去坐了..
讓我們來看看這系列賽Wade的表現吧, 攻防兩端好像都卡卡的樣子
Wade's Finals Struggles
Points Rebounds Assists Turnovers Shooting
Game 1 19 3 2 2 8-of-18
Game 2 14 7 4 5 5-of-9
Game 3 22 4 2 5 8-of-12
Game 4 10 2 4 3 3-of-13
扣除垃圾時間刷出來的數據, 我(作者)給他F - 不及格的成績
球評Zack甚至說: Heat should’ve saved that amnesty for Wade. 特赦放走炎弟吧!
Wade沒回復身手, 他甚至打得很沒自信, 不該放他在場上的, 他在場上的那些運球阿,
其他的play阿, 再再都傷害了熱火的攻勢
Three days is enough time to fly Dwyane Wade to Germany, yes? Only sorta
If Wade can't blow by Splitter...
Dwyane Wade plays the way Boris Diaw looks.
Spoelstra shrugs off Wade's lack of energy.
當然啦, Wade在賽後記者會上不會說太多關於他近來的掙扎的, 他說..
"I’ll take those same opportunities next game for sure," he claimed during
the ESPN broadcast. And on top of that, there's this statement: "I'm a very
accurate shooter. I don't like missing. I'm not used to missing."
下一場我鐵定會好好把握住機會的, 我是非常純粹的射手, 我不愛打鐵, 我不常打鐵
看到了吧! 我就跟你說他會有放錯地方的自信心 (misplaced confidence.)
但問題就在Wade並不是純粹的射手阿! 除非他刻意的去瞄籃出手, 但如果這是原因,
During Game 4, the Spurs outscored Miami by nine points when he was on the
court. That's coming off a minus-nine performance in Game 3, minus-eight in
the Game 2 victory and minus-18 in the opening contest.
第四戰當Wade在場上時馬刺比熱火多得了9分, 第三戰是9分, 第二戰8分, 首戰則是18分
If the Heat are going to become the first team in Finals history to come back
from a 3-1 series deficit, they have to get more from Wade.
"And it makes you wonder: When's the last time Dwyane Wade mattered for this
Heat team?" asks Zach Harper of CBS Sports before providing us with the
answer. "He certainly matters right now, and it's for all of the wrong
The concern here is no longer that Wade could get hurt and throw a wrench in
Miami's plans.
It's that the shooting guard is as healthy as he could reasonably be expected
to be, but he's failing to do anything positive at the most crucial part of
the season. Unless that changes, the Heat are dead in the water heading back
to San Antonio.
熱火雖說是由三王組成, 但現在已經是由喇叭詹從頭打到尾, 炎帝跟三弟沒碰球很久了
, 專欄作家Zack提到 "這讓我們想到, 上一次Wade對熱火的勝負舉足輕重是什麼時候阿
? 現在無疑的Wade影響很大, 只不過都是反向的重要.
Wade若能打出被預期的球星級表現當然最好, 但事實上他已經衰退到無法那樣幹了, 除
非這狀況有改變, 不然熱火接下來去聖安東尼奧死定了
Dwyane Wade: "Right now, they’re playing better than us, no question about
it. … They whipped our butt here at home."
He's not wrong. But Wade has the unique ability to change things.
炎帝: 現在, 毫無疑問的馬刺打的比我們好
炎帝是對的, 但炎帝也是那唯一一個有能力扭轉乾坤的人
好長的文章, 翻的頭好暈, 有錯的地方還請大家指正
希望Game 5會是場雙方都打得很讚的比賽!!