Adrian Wojnarowski : Chandler Parsons is finalizing a three-year, $46 million offer sheet with Dallas, league source tells Yahoo Sports. Parsons接受小牛的報價46m/3y Houston and Parsons, a restricted free agent, negotiated throughout day, but were unable to come to an agreement on a deal, sources said. 火箭和Parsons談判了一整天,但在合約問題上雙方沒有達成共識 Parsons' agent, Dan Fegan, has Parsons and Dwight Howard as clients. If Houston matches, two stars would be free agents together in 2017. Parsons和Dwight Howard都是Fegan的客戶,如果火箭匹配報價的話,他們倆到2017年 會一起成為自由球員 No clear answer yet on Rockets matching sheet, but GM Morey had been on phone w/ agents for Ariza, Deng and Pierce today, sources tell Y. 目前還不清楚火箭是否會跟進報價,但莫雷今天已開始聯繫Ariza、Deng和Pierce經紀人了 Yahoo Sources: Dallas, Chandler Parsons agree to $46M offer sheet. 小牛和Parsons在報價上達成共識 火箭再不跟 這隻就要走了喔
Kawhi本季SF PER rank#5他PER19.43 Parsons連16都沒有我猜這個數據有把上場時間加進去計算SF PER ranking受火箭系統打壓 PER應該會更高@ralf是的 所以也要看USG%@pttyeon我說他PER應該能更高存粹是就USG%來說畢竟PER很吃Scoring Parsons都在折返跑而已阿..