[外絮] 小牛希望Carter用$2.73M的價碼續留

作者: taylorliao (Page)   2014-07-10 09:54:03
The Mavs are hopeful Carter will agree to take the cap room exception of $2.73
million, the source said. That's not the kind of offer the 37- year-old sixth
man hoped to get after being a Mavs bargain the last three seasons, when he
averaged a little more than $3 million per year. But Carter has made it clear
that he'd prefer to continue playing in Dallas, and the Mavs have successfully
convinced Dirk Nowitzki and Devin Harris to agree to re-sign on team-friendly
terms. ESPN.com
根據消息指出,小牛希望老將 Vince Carter 願意用$2.73M/年的價碼續留。在達拉斯連續
Carter也表示他傾向繼續留在達拉斯效力,加上小牛又成功的以友情價留住 Dirk Nowitzki
和 Devin Harris 之後。
It's not clear what kind of market there is for Carter. The Miami Heat and
Portland Trail Blazers are among the teams to express interest in him, but
they've committed their $5.3 midlevel exceptions to other players. The Toronto
Raptors and Oklahoma City Thunder have also been connected to Carter. ESPN.com
然而目前還不曉得到底 Carter 此時在FA的身價為何,邁阿密熱火和波特蘭拓荒者也在對著
都接觸過 Vince Carter。
作者: AustinRivers (我盡力了Q___Q)   2014-07-10 10:00:00
挖cp神鬼價碼 卡特打得好給那鳥錢 老闆有問題cp連球星都不是 給一千五 又要等封館了嗎
作者: taipeifinest   2014-07-10 10:37:00
作者: popstarkirby (有梗的POP)   2014-07-10 11:09:00
作者: katanakiller (管他去死)   2014-07-10 19:08:00

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