What’s going on with the second-most-sought-after free agent on the market?
Stephen A. Smith on ESPN Chicago: I got a call. ‘Look, something has come up.
Something is in the mix. Melo is having second thoughts. I don’t know what’s
going on, but this is what it is.’ I said, ‘What are you talking about?’
They said, ‘Chicago.’ Suddenly, Chicago is on the mind. I said, ‘You’ve
got to be kidding me. You’ve got to be kidding me.’ And this is somebody that
is incredibly close to Carmelo Anthony who I completely trust as a source. This
is what he was telling me. Couldn’t explain why, but just said, ‘Chicago is
not out of the mix.’ NBCSports.com
我們這位今年最受矚目的「第二咖」自由球員,現在到底是想怎樣?Stephen A. Smith 在
ESPN Chicago受訪時說到:「我接到一通電話,對方說:『 ㄟ,有事發生了,真的有事發生
在是想玩死我吧。而說這話的人是跟 Carmelo Anthony 無比親近、我會完全相信他透露消
哥沒有出局』。」 NBCSports.com