[外絮] 布雷獸:太陽用受限條款限制我

作者: saluowu (南海神帥)   2014-07-28 00:29:41
Phoenix Suns restricted free agent Eric Bledsoe has been just about silent
while in limbo. On Saturday, though, in his hometown of Birmingham, Ala., he
said that he's stuck because of restricted free agency rules, via Kyle Burger
鳳凰城太陽受限自由球員Eric Bledsoe持續保持沉默,而無人過問。周六在他的家鄉,
"First off, I'm letting my agent, Rich Paul, handle it," Bledsoe said. "I can
understand the Phoenix Suns are using [being a] restricted free agent against
me. But I can understand that."
"首先,我讓我的經紀人Rich Paul來處理這件事,我能理解太陽以受限條款來限制我,
Bledsoe is the top free agent still available, but there's not much of a
market for him anymore. He went into free agency hoping the Suns or another
team would offer him a max deal, and it hasn't happened. He's essentially
right when he's saying that the Suns are using restricted free agency against
him, as there's no way things would have played out this way if he was
Phoenix general manager Ryan McDonough has repeatedly made it clear that he
intends to match any offer sheet for Bledsoe, and this past week president
Lon Babby said the organization planned to bring him back. This has scared
other teams away, and Bledsoe hasn't had any leverage with the Suns. It's
hard to fault Phoenix for waiting this out, but it'd be nice if the two sides
could get something fair done.
太陽的GM Ryan McDonough曾多次清楚地表示,他會跟進任何對於Bledsoe的報價。而在
過去的這周,球隊老闆Lon Babby則說球團準備攬回他,這嚇壞了其餘各隊,而Bledsoe目前
心得 : 和平落幕.....
作者: andrewlol527 (雙手舉舉)   2014-07-28 00:36:00
..... RFA叫限制喔?!那要不要找聯盟哭哭?要求改掉
作者: ssd123698745 (noel)   2014-07-28 00:41:00
限制什麼..就是約還沒到阿 打完明年就可以走人了
作者: AustinRivers (我盡力了Q___Q)   2014-07-28 00:43:00
1200簽一個傷病矮壯潛力明星後衛 有問題嗎
作者: ssd123698745 (noel)   2014-07-28 00:46:00
太陽也可以match不是嗎 重點還是有空間的球隊不多了有的也沒有要出頂薪搶他太陽出到48M算有誠意了拉 而且又還有dragic在 放著慢慢等沒差 最慘也還有一年可以用佈雷受剛打出來 又剛受完傷 明年威一個完整球季搞不好就真的有球隊要砸頂薪了
作者: garyyang0529 (別再偷抽我的菸....)   2014-07-28 01:37:00
作者: tsunghsu0404   2014-07-28 07:11:00

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