前鋒對決 很明顯是kg 輸了
kg 做的是18件小事
人家barkley 卻是做一件大事
kg 籃球成就不如barkley 連做大事都不如barkley
kg 哭哭....
※ 引述《Phater (肥特)》之銘言:
: DA: Sixers Legend Charles Barkley Offers To Pay For Funeral Of 3 Children
: Killed In Carjacking Crash
: http://tinyurl.com/lvxwvf8 內有影片
: 上週五費城發生了一起不幸的案件. 兩名劫車犯持槍挾持一名女性車主跟警察發生高速追
: 逐,在城北市場附近爆胎車子翻覆. 不巧的是SUV撞進了街角的一個水果攤,三名幫母親擺
: 水果攤的姐弟分別傷重不治,而母親也重傷進醫院. 在警方整個週末的搜索下兩名嫌犯分別
: 逮捕歸案.
: 今天,費城檢察官Seth Williams表示曾在76人打球的Barkley跟檢方連繫,表示願意負
: 擔三名姐弟的喪葬費用:
: “I received a telephone call from Sixers legend Charles Barkley,” said
: Williams. “Like most Philadelphians, many Americans and people across the
: world, he wanted me to know that he wanted to pay for the funeral for these
: three children and I put him in touch with the family so he can do that.”