I had passion for my team just like the fans. I guess I was kind of like the fans except I had a courtside seat for free and if we were up by 20 with less than two minutes to play I would get to go into the game.
Remember when I spurned the Celtics and signed with the Chicago Bulls in 2010? Actually I begged Ainge to keep me and he wished me the best of luck. I was thinking, "This is really tough." I could feel it. I left something I had spent five years creating. I haven’t paid for a meal since 2008. What if all of this goes away?
記得在2010我一腳踢開Celtics去和芝加哥簽約的時候嗎? 事實上我求Ainge留住我, 但他只是祝我好運.. 我當時強烈覺得這很艱難。我離開了我花5年創造的一切。我從2008年開始吃飯就沒付過錢了。如果這些都不見了該怎麼辦?
Chicago, for me, has always been like graduate school. I myself had always considered getting my MBA at Northwestern. These past four years helped bolster my resume to showcase the well-rounded individual I am. I'm a better player, a better coach, a better broadcaster, and a better Mamba.
芝加哥對我來說一直就像研究所。我一直想在西北大學拿個MBA學位。這四年的磨練讓我的履歷更為完整,讓我看起來更全能:我成為更好的球員,更好的教練,更好的播報員,更好的 曼巴。
I've learned a great deal in my time spent with four franchises…actually five if you count my stint in Italy because of the lockout. What was the purpose of the lockout again?
我在四支球隊的期間學到很多東西...好啦 如果因為封館時去義大利打工也算進去的話, 五支。 所以..封館到底是為什麼??
I will always think of Chicago as my third home and Oakland probably as my fourth home…but not like downtown Oakland, more like the suburbs.
我一直覺得芝加哥是我第三個家, 奧克蘭可能是第四..但絕對不是下城區,比較市郊一點。
I went to Chicago because of Tibs and D-Rose and the crazy energy of Joakim Noah, and it was my only job offer in the states
I may have a press conference, and I am definitely having a party. And all of Boston will be invited.
我可能會開記者會,但我一定會開趴!!! 波士頓的所有人都歡迎!!
When I left Boston, I was on a mission. I was seeking another championship. I wanted to ride in another parade, pop enormous bottles of champagne, and maybe even crash the podium.
我離開波士頓的時候是有任務在身的: 我在追尋下一個冠軍。 我想再一次上車遊行, 開一大堆香檳, 甚至是衝撞頒獎台.
The last time I was in the Boston, the fans were all over me. They said I didn’t have it any more, and they challenged me to games of one-on-one. They called it the Scallenge, and I gave those fans a beantown beatdown
上次在波士頓的時候,我的球迷說我很久沒打球了,嗆說跟我鬥牛1打1。他們說這叫Scallenge. 我也回敬他們一場beantown beatdown(見影片)
I took the ball, took their pride, and showed them what the White Mamba was all about. They wrote me letters and asked for my autograph. Some even invited me to their weddings, it got a little weird.
我輕鬆擊敗他們,讓他們知道 白曼巴的厲害。他們寫信給我要我的簽名。有些人還找我去婚禮,這就有點怪了..
I’m not promising a championship. I know how hard that is to deliver. We’re not ready right now. No way. Of course, I want to win next year, but I’m realistic. I’m only a broadcaster - what could I really do?
我不是來保證冠軍戒指的。我知道這有多困難,我們現在還沒準備好,完全還沒。 當然我們下個賽季想要贏球,但我知道現實。畢竟我只是個播報員,我哪能幹嘛..
I know that I have a lot to learn but I see myself as a Champion, and I think I can help break down some great Marcus Smart dunks this season
我知道我有很多要學習的地方,但我將自己視為冠軍人物。 而且我覺得我可以幫忙分析Marcus Smart的灌籃
I think I can elevate Kelly Olynyk’s game by the amount of research I make my interns do before announcing road games.
我叫實習生幫我查Kelly Olynyk的數據好讓我在播報客場比賽的時候可以拿來用
And I can’t wait to reunite with Rajon Rondo, one of my favorite teammates. Paul, KG, and Ray may have all left, but Rondo and the White Mamba remain in Boston, at least for now.
還有,我等不及跟Rondo重聚了,我最喜歡的隊友之一。PP, KG, Rayray全離開了,但Rondo和 白曼巴留在這裡! 至少現在還是.
I want kids in Boston, like the hundreds of elementary school kids who have red hair and no chance of making the NBA, to realize that there’s no better place to grow up
我想要波士頓 那些永遠進不了NBA的紅髮小學生 知道沒有其他地方比這裡更適合你們
Really, I just want to ride in another championship parade and smoke an overpriced Cuban cigar as a tribute to Red after we hang banner number 18
真的,我只是想要再去一次遊行,掛上第18面冠軍旗之後抽貴到爆炸的古巴雪茄並對Red(Red Auerbach, 前Celtics教練)致敬。
I’m ready to accept the Scallenge. Boston, I’m coming home.
我準備好接受Scallenge了。 Boston, I'm coming home.