還是參考原文吧~ (懶得縮了, 勞駕版友吧~)
※ 引述《hazel0093 (傳阿森納)》之銘言:
:【聯合晚報╱記者李亦伸/綜合報導】 2014.09.27 03:29 pm
: 情,只需要專注在自己的表現就可以。」
Going into my fifth year in the league, I’m not too worried about all the
unknowns and uncertainties. I’m just focused on my own performance
即將邁入我在聯盟的第五個球季, 對於所有未知及不確定性, 我並沒有很擔心.
: 「假如我沒有先發,我同樣感到興奮,因為球場上的角色是最重要的,
: 我期待對球做出貢獻,展現我的能力,這是我最期待的。」
I’d be just as excited as if I didn’t (start),” Lin said. “I honestly
believe it’s more about what my role looks like in the grand scheme of
things. I’ve started and not played in the fourth quarter. Then I haven’t
started and I played the last 16-18 minutes of the game. For me, starting is
pretty irrelevant.
我若未能先發, 還是一樣感到興奮. 以大局觀之, 我確信更重要的是關乎
我扮演何種角色. 我曾經先發但未能打第四節, 抑或我沒先發但是打了比賽的最後
16到18分鐘. 對我而言, 先發與否確實無關緊要.
: 在專家眼中,一旦40歲的奈許老化或健康狀況不理想,林書豪是取代奈許成為湖人先發主
: 控首選。
including whether he could win the starting point guard spot over Steve Nash.
包括他能否及時取代Nash, 獲得先發控球後衛.
: 「在火箭兩季給我不少磨練,我經歷了一切累積經驗,培養了多功能性球風。」
Lin also believes his various starting and bench roles the past two seasons
with the Rockets will help him adapt to any plan the Lakers take in limiting
Nash’s minutes.
林也相信他在火箭隊歷經的兩個球季, 扮演多元的角色(先發及板凳)將有助於他適應
“It gives me versatility,” Lin said. “I pretty much have seen it all, a
lot of highs and lows in my career. I’ve been through it all. I feel like
barring a devastating injury, I don’t think there is anything I haven’t
seen or experienced.”
這段是Lin自己回應他在休季期間做出的訓練(防守, 腳步及爆發力):
我因此獲得了權宜變通. 我確實經歷了職業生涯的高低起伏, 並且已經拋諸腦後.
(在那段期間)我遭遇到影響甚鉅的傷勢, 我不認為還有什麼是我未曾見過或體驗的.