※ 引述《lovemelissa (冰雪奇緣)》之銘言:
: http://www.lakersnation.com/
: Eric Pincus @EricPincus
: Nick Young, sprained right thumb - Lakers sending him to get MRI today
: Serena Winters @SerenaWinters
: Story has it that Nick Young was playing defense on Kobe,
: tried to steal the ball, resulted in the injury.
: Mike Trudell @LakersReporter · 2小時 2 小時前
: Nick Young sprained his thumb when trying to steal the ball from Kobe,
: jamming it on Bryant's arm. It's Young's R shooting thumb.
: 尼克楊防守老大時 想抄截 結果受傷了
: 受傷的是他投籃的右手姆指
Bad news! Nick Young has a complete tear of the radial collateral ligament.
Surgery scheduled for Monday. #lakers
GOOGLE了一下 中文好像叫
貌似不是很常見的傷 不管怎樣 希望他早日康復 !