LeBron James was evaluated yesterday at Cleveland Clinic Sports Health by
Richard D. Parker, MD, Cavaliers Head Team Physician. Tests included physical
exam, radiographs and a MRI, the results of which revealed left knee and low
back strains. These conditions will be treated via a multimodal approach
consisting of anti-inflammatories, rehabilitation, training room treatments,
and rest. LeBron is currently projected to be Out for the next 2 weeks.
騎士的首席隊醫Richard D. Parker昨天在Cleveland Clinic Sports Health檢查了
LeBron James。檢查項目包括體格檢查、X光攝影和核磁共振。檢查結果顯示左膝和下
背部受傷。所以LeBron James將要接受多種治療,包括抗發炎治療、復健,以及,休息。
目前估計Lebron James大概有兩周無法出賽