[情報] 舊聞Tony Snell細部分析

作者: ddrose (Daisuki D.Rose)   2015-02-13 20:12:56
看來Tony Snell在慢慢發揮他的潛力
Bulls first-round draft pick Tony Snell experienced mixed results in the
team’s summer-league action in Las Vegas, posting averages of 11.8 points
and 6.6 rebounds in five games.
在這次的夏季聯盟中都,公牛隊以第一輪的選秀中選了Tony Snell的原因都表現出來了,
Beyond the numbers, the 6-foot-7 swingman displayed flashes of his
potential, proving to be a smooth ballhandler and capable playmaker for his
size, active and versatile on defense, possessing a high basketball I.Q. and
although his shots didn’t fall consistently, an effortless stroke from long
range and off the dribble. Like most NBA novices, he also struggled with the
speed and physical nature of the professional game, particularly the latter—
his biggest weakness, literally, is his lack of strength—and while the
organization has high long-terms expectations for his development, a debut
season watching the squad’s veteran wing corps and playing spot minutes
wouldn’t be surprising, as is typical for rookies under Bulls head coach Tom
在這些成績底下,Snell 6呎7搖擺人的身材展現了他的潛能,證明了自己的能力,積
到驚訝,特別是看在公牛隊教練Tom Thibodeau眼中。
But no matter how the first year of his NBA career unfolds, the journey
the New Mexico product embarked upon to arrive in Chicago is somewhat
remarkable, though considering the Bulls’ history of drafting first-round
sleepers, it should be expected.
Similar to Taj Gibson and Jimmy Butler, Snell is a bit of a late bloomer
when compared to the normal trajectory of most NBA prospects. Although he’s
from a big metropolitan area known as a hotbed for basketball, Snell wasn’t
the typical highly-touted prep prospect and even after a solid three-year
college career for a successful program, he didn’t immediately jump out to
many observers as a definite first-round selection. But his package as both a
player and a person—diligent, coachable and focused—is exactly what the
Bulls prize most.
如同Taj Gibson和Jimmy Butler,Snell算是個需長時間培養的潛力股。僅管他來自於
The oldest of four siblings, Snell moved around frequently in the vicinity
of Los Angeles, eventually settling in what's known as the Inland Empire
region, where he transferred from Moreno Valley High School to King High Schoo
in Riverside, Calif., teaming up with current San Antonio Spurs small forward
Kawhi Leonard to form a duo that beat nationally-ranked powerhouse Mater
Dei en route to win the 2009 California state championship.
Valley高中轉學到King高中時,與現在馬刺隊小前鋒Kawhi Leonard同隊並在2009年時拿
Not a high-profile name due to not having played on the AAU circuit—
partly because he was occupied by babysitting his younger siblings when his
single mother was working—Snell played sidekick to Leonard for King, but
still wasn’t regarded as a household name on the area’s hoops scene.
(AAU:Amateur Athletic Union,,業餘體育聯盟,是美國最大的非營利運動組織之一)
“I knew of him before the summer of his junior year. The thing that stuck
out to me—he wasn’t as tall as he is now—but the same type of dimensions:
long arms, broad shoulders, and big hands, quick laterally, smooth. He
wasn’t a great offensive player by any stretch of the imagination, but he had
those same types of physical dimensions and athletic gifts,” recalled Frank
Burlison, a long-time, highly-regarded Southern California basketball writer.
“When he was in high school because he was so gangly and he was kind of
unassuming, Kawhi was such a forceful—not so much personality because he’s
quiet, too—but just forceful in the way he plays that Snell had to play off
him. So he would spot up in the corners and Kawhi would kick it to him, and
he made plays, like blocking shots and just do little things that showed off
his athleticism and his innate ability to run and jump, and he could always
catch and shoot it. Then, he went to New Mexico and obviously you just can’t
do that, so he kind of evolved.”
些人一樣的身體素質」Frank Burlison(一位長期關注南加州籃球的作家)說到。「在高中


Not only was Snell a sleeper, he had to shore up his academics in order to
become an NCAA qualifier, so he enrolled at Westwind Prep in Phoenix, Ariz.,
for a post-graduate year, playing with Memphis Grizzlies second-round pick
Jamaal Franklin, who starred in college at San Diego State University. But
even before that, after his senior year at King, he joined Team eLEAte,
founded by former Pepperdine University guard Marvin Lea—the program’s
namesake, Lea also coached Leonard, who went on to attend San Diego State,
where he played alongside Bulls power forward Malcolm Thomas—to play AAU for
the first time in his career.
校Westwind,畢業後一年,他和聖地牙哥州大的Jamaal Franklin(後來被灰熊隊於第二輪
挑走)一起打球。但在這之前,他在高二時加入了前Pepperdine大學的後衛Marvin Lea所
隊的大前鋒Malcolm Thomas並肩作戰,同時也是第一次在登上AAU的舞台。
I first met Tony his senior year, when he was playing at King with Kawhi
Leonard. He was playing center, so we didn’t get a chance to see what he
could really do, but you could tell by the way he moved and his natural jump
shot and the little bit that he handled the ball, that he had talent and he
could do more than what he was showing. Then, when he played with us all
spring on our AAU program, Team eLEAte, that was when we put him at point
guard,” recounted Clint Parks, another Team eLEAte coach, explaining why
Snell was overlooked by both talent evaluators and high-major college coaches.
「我第一次遇到Tony是在他高二時,當時他在King高中和Kawhi Leonard一隊。由於當

他去打控衛」eLEAte另一個教練Clint Parks回憶道,接下來他開始解釋為何各大學校的
“He was just so under the radar. He grew a lot. He didn’t play AAU
basketball, so that was another thing. That all contributed to it. On the
other hand, he was probably misidentified. These experts, they don’t always
get it right. Having that eye for talent, the Bulls, their scouting
department, they have an eye for that. Not everyone has that. I think it was
pretty obvious, but sometimes people can’t project or get to know a kid’s
work ethic.”

Burlison added: “[Snell’s recruitment at King was] probably just low-major
and he had to go improve his academics, so out of sight, out of mind. When
that happens, a lot of the programs that recruit high-major players,
obviously they didn’t pursue him. So, he wasn’t always the guy that had 20
Internet guys call him every night. He wasn’t a spotlight player, but
everybody who knew and understood basketball that watched him knew that he
could be a very good player in the right setting. It certainly happened at
New Mexico.”

Snell wasn’t a star immediately in Albuquerque, but he was a contributor as
a freshman for Lobos head coach Steve Alford (now at UCLA), averaging 4.4
points in 17.5 minutes per game. He started to show his considerable
potential, as a sophomore, breaking into the starting lineup and putting up
averages of 10.5 points, 2.7 rebounds and 2.3 assists a contest, while
shooting 38.7 percent from three-point range and earning a reputation for his
defensive abilities, en route to honorable mention all-Mountain West and
all-conference tournament honors for a deep and talented team that won its
league and two games in the NCAA Tournament.
“Both of my AAU coaches [Parks and Lea], they really helped me get here.
They taught me you’ve got to play hard, just gave me an opportunity to play
my game. Both of them really helped me out a lot,” Snell said. “[Alford]
did a lot for me. He taught me a lot about the game, helped me to get my
footwork right and learn how to play the game—college ball—and helped me to
work hard, and anything I needed to improve on, he helped me improve on it.
“Definitely my confidence, being able to talk, being able to walk with my
head high—I used to walk with my head low—and that was a little tough
transition. But just to walk with my head high, walk with confidence and just
be a little more social to people.”
No longer overshadowed by the likes of star big man Drew Gordon his junior
year, though he still shared the spotlight with point guard Kendall Williams
and center Alex Kirk, Snell wasn’t a consistently dominant scoring force for
a nationally-ranked team, but the subtleties of his game, as well as a
breakout performance in the 2013 Mountain West conference tournament, of
which he was named MVP. Although the Lobos were upset by Harvard in the first
round of the NCAA Tournament, Snell was optimistic enough in the boost to his
stature as an NBA prospect that he declared for the draft.
他大一時就不再被它所喜歡的球星- Drew Gordon蓋過去,儘管他仍然與控衛Kendall
Williams和中鋒Alex Kirk共享鎂光燈,因此Snell並沒有入選年度第一隊,但最微妙的地
“He was pretty good as a sophomore and certainly had a breakthrough junior
“He was pretty good as a sophomore and certainly had a breakthrough junior
season, and a monstrous Mountain West tournament. He did a lot of things to
show that he was an elite-level prospect. I’m sure the way he played in that
tournament probably had a great deal with him deciding to go out and see what
he could do NBA-wise,” Burlison said. “It just seemed like you always saw
glimpses at New Mexico for two years off and on, but once the Mountain West
tournament started, you could tell that he was getting more confident.”

Parks chimed in: “From his senior year to prep school, he turned into a
guard, being a leader and running his team. From there, going to New Mexico,
he started to become a lockdown defender over the course of his career. At
New Mexico, he gained strength in the weight room and really started to work.
He probably put on about 20 pounds in three years. He became a much better
shooter off of curls and moving without the ball. The things he added to the
game in college, credit Coach Alford for that.”
了20磅。他成為了一個更好的無球跑動的射手。根據他們教練Coach Alford所說,這是他
Observers like Parks and Burlison, who have closely monitored Snell’s
development over the years, aren’t surprised by his progress and expect
similar growth in the future. The swingman’s work ethic and humility as a
human being jibe well with the Bulls, whose players are known for their
selflessness. From his experiences playing center in high school and point
guard at prep school, then finding his niche as a versatile defender and
outside marksman in college, in addition to his work ethic and coachable
demeanor, it’s to see why the lanky wing, while still clearly in need of
further development, is believed to have such a high ceiling.

Bulls general manager Gar Forman’s California ties likely helped the
organization zero in on Snell and based on how Thibodeau’s preference for
capable defenders and the team’s needs, the wing’s talents are an excellent
match, especially considering his potential for both knocking down open shots
off penetration from former league MVP Derrick Rose and being able to create
off the dribble.
公牛隊GM Gar Forman與加州的關係加上Thibodeau的執教偏好,特別是考慮到Rose切
“In Tony’s case, we saw a guy that could be a secondary handler, that could
push it out in transition, that could play in pick-and-rolls some,” Forman
said at the introductory press conference for Snell and second-round pick
Erik Murphy. “Even play some point guard and initiate offense out front.”
Snell added that afternoon: “I’ve been watching the Bulls ever since I was
a little kid and just to have the opportunity to put a jersey on, that means
a whole lot to me.

“I expect to learn from the veterans, just try to pick up on the plays and
just try to work as hard as I can, just learn as much as I can,” continued
the Scottie Pippen fan, a lofty comparison he’s garnered thus far. “I just
bring hard work. If you tell me to do something, I’ll go do it.
「我期待盡我最大的努力,從隊中的老將身上學習」身為一個Scottie Pippen的粉絲
“I don’t compare myself to anybody. I just play my game.”
Snell spoke to Leonard, who also had the good fortune to be drafted by a
contending team—although the Spur had the opportunity to step into San
Antonio’s starting lineup as a rookie, something that won’t happen in
Chicago with Butler and All-Star Luol Deng at the wing positions—on draft
Snell 之前的隊友,Leonard,進入了馬刺隊而且有著美好未來,而且在菜鳥球季就有
機會成為先發球員,這是公牛隊絕對不會發生的事(因為著Butler和Luol Deng擋在前面)
“[Leonard] congratulated me, and just said, ‘Keep working hard. You never
know where it takes you.’” Snell recalled. “It’s a perfect example. He
shows whatever you put mind to and you put your work into it, you can be
While it’s easy to compare Snell to his former teammate Leonard, who had the
opportunity to step right into the Spurs’ starting lineup as a rookie,
because of their long wingspans—and similar hairstyles; braids are becoming
rarer in the NBA—their games have very basic differences. Although both are
defensive-oriented players, Snell is more of a natural long-range shooter and
ballhandler, and Leonard possesses a sturdier frame with more interior
tendencies on offense. Their most obvious shared trait is that neither is
very talkative and wears the same blank facial expression on the floor,
regardless of whether they’ve just made a mistake or a big play.

“He’s kind of like Kawhi. Quiet, he doesn’t say a lot, he doesn’t do a
lot to bring attention, as far as vocally or demonstratively, other than just
kind of playing hard in the games and doing what he has to do. They’re both
very, very coachable. I think that’s what sets them apart from a lot of guys
that are talented at that age. Some of these guys can fool themselves because
of all the attention from travel-team coaches or Internet guys. They kind of
lose the perspective of what exactly you have to do to go from just a good
high school player and good prospect to being a good college player or
possibly an NBA player,” said Burlison, who stressed that he isn’t
comparing their individual games or saying Snell will have the same rise in
the NBA as Leonard.
“Just like Tony, people said, ‘Well, he shot 30 percent and he’s passive’
—well, being passive and doing what your coach wants you to do because that’
s what’s best for the team, that’s not passive. That’s being a very
coachable ballplayer, who understands it’s about winning and doing what it
takes to help the team win, not showing off your skills to media or scouts.”
Parks concurred: “Everybody always asks me and one thing I want people to
know is that he does not play like Kawhi Leonard or [retired NBA player]
Darius Miles. That’s one thing I know for sure, outside of the hair.
Parks同意:「每個人都問我,但我只有一件事要讓大家知道,Snell跟Kawhi Leonard
或Darius Miles(已退休的NBA球員),完全不一樣。這是我很確定的一件事,至少在頭髮
“He knows he’s special, but he’s a team-first guy. He’s always willing to
do whatever is best for the team and I think that might be his biggest
weakness in the past, but I also think that might be his biggest strength in
the past, and that was identified by Gar and Thibs and the scouting
department. He played center in high school and that just shows you he’s
willing to do whatever is asked of him. If you ask him to shut down the other
team’s best player, he’ll do that. If you ask him to pass the ball into the
post, he’ll do that. If you ask him to come off screens, he’ll do that. He
knows he has the tools, but he’s a team-first guy in every sense of the word,
” the coach continued to explain.
“He’s going to show up and be a professional. He’s going to listen, he’s
going to be coachable, he’s going to make open shots and he’s going to play
defense. I think all of those things translate. The biggest I think is that he
’s going to be a pro. Now, he’s going to have to adjust to the game and
those type of things, but from his mentality and his mindset and the way he
carries himself, he’s a pro right now and he has been. That’s going to play
in his favor, especially playing on a deep team and a team expecting to
compete for a championship. You bring a rookie in on a team like that; I
think he’s going to fit in.
“He’s someone who doesn’t care about stats. He just wants to win an
d you
can’t teach that. He’s not putting a premium on, ‘Man, did I make shots?
Did I get the ball?’ He’s going to do whatever it takes to win. That was
his biggest thing at New Mexico. We never talked to him about stats because
he said, ‘I’m going to do whatever it takes to win. We’re winning.’ It’s
about the team, about winning and I’ll probably never coach a kid like that
from that standpoint probably ever. I’d be really lucky because it’s really
about the team. It’s not lip service. It’s legitimate,” the coach went on
to say. “Some kids in the draft, you talk about, ‘Man, is he going to be
able to stay focused? Is he going to be able to handle all this?’ He’s
still on Cloud Nine. He’s playing on the Bulls now, but he hasn’t changed,
he hasn’t skipped a beat. He knows that getting drafted was one journey and
the beginning of another. He’s got to write this next chapter.”
為自己是獨特的,他不會說:“嘿,我可以投球嗎? 我可以拿到球嗎?” 他願意去做任何

握整個情形嗎?他仍然在九霄雲外耶,他現在加入了公牛隊耶!” 但他不會改變,他不會
He won’t be Leonard, Pippen or Penny Hardaway (a comparison the
admittedly-biased Parks cited) in the NBA, at least not from the outset. But
with his track record of improvement and unique skills, just being Tony Snell
will be good enough to make an impact for the Bulls, whether in the near
future or down the road.
他不會成為Leonard、Pippen或Penny Hardaway,至少一開始不會。但根據他之前的進

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