honercek (Happy Life)
2015-03-07 14:01:42※ [本文轉錄自 Jeremy_Lin 看板 #1K-eoiKO ]
作者: rexxon (我要成為CP王) 看板: Jeremy_Lin
標題: [外絮] 傳奇普林斯敦教頭談 Lin, BS 跟其他
時間: Sat Mar 7 13:29:06 2015
作者: Nathan Gottlieb (以下簡稱 NG)
傳奇普林斯敦教練 Pete Carril (以下簡稱 PC)談林,BS 跟其他
I used to cover Princeton basketball when I was with The (Newark)
Star-Ledger and they were coached by future Hall of Famer, Pete
Carril, inventor of the Princeton Offense. I got his phone number
and called him. He's 84 now. We talked about Jeremy Lin, the
Princeton Offense, and Byron Scott. Carril told me he copied the
Princeton Offense from watching two teams: Bill Russell's Celtics,
and the (1969-70) Knicks with Bill Bradley.
我在紐華克的 Star-Ledger (按:Star-Ledger 是紐澤西的一家報紙)時曾
來的名人堂,同時也是普林斯頓進攻的發明者,Peter Carril. 我打電話給他
,他今年 84 歲了,我們談了一些關於林書豪,普林斯頓跟 BS. Carril 告訴
我他的普林斯頓進攻是複製自二個隊伍:比爾羅素的塞爾提克跟 1969-70 年的尼克。
NATHAN GOTTLIEB: Would you have recruited Lin when you were
coaching at Princeton?
NG: 如果是一個打算 Run 普林斯頓的教練,你會招募林書豪進來球隊嗎?
PETE CARRIL: Absolutely, no doubt about it. The thing I like about
him is he comes to play every night, and he's always happy to be
on the floor doing anything he can to help the team win. He's not
a superstar, but he's awful damn good. He had so many things to
overcome and he did it. It's not easy to make it to the NBA.
PC: 當然,毫無疑問。我喜歡他每天晚上打球的方式,而且他永遠會樂於上
的好球員,他有許多困難得克服,而他一一做到了,這在 NBA 中並不容易。
NG: What is your opinion of him as an NBA player and as a person?
NG: 做為一個人以及 NBA 球員,你對他的看法是什麼?
PC: I've always liked Lin. I actually met him once in California.
I was coaching a team in a summer league and we lost three
straight to this team from Taiwan. Lin played with them and he was
killing us.
PC: 我一直喜歡林書豪,我實際上只有遇過他一次在加州,我當時任教於一支
NG: Byron Scott said in training camp he was going to run your
Princeton Offense with a few changes. Have you seen the Lakers
play, and do they run the Princeton?
NG: BS 在訓練營裡說他要 Run 一個修改過的普林斯頓,你看過湖人比賽嗎?
他們真的在打普林斯頓嗎? (按:釣魚惹~~)
PC: Yes, I've watched them, and so far I haven't seem them run the
Princeton. In today's NBA, people say you're running the Princeton
if you make two passes (laughs). If you watch the Spurs, they come
close to running it with the way they pass, the way their players
move. But they run more than I did at Princeton. The thing I did
as a coach with my offense is after I'd seen what my players can
and cannot do, then I'd adjust my system to them.
日的 NBA , 只要你傳球二次,人家就說你在打普林斯頓(笑)。如果你看
NG: What do you think of Scott as a coach?
NG: 做為一個教練,你對 BS 看法是什麼?
PC: Well, he made the Finals twice with the Nets. But the thing
with Byron in New Jersey, he had players like Kidd who could run,
pass, and move the ball. Byron knows how to do it (uptempo). But
when you have ball stoppers you can't do it.
PC: 他在籃網隊時曾經進過二次冠軍賽,但是當時,他有 Kidd 這樣的球員
BS 知道如何把打節奏打快,但是當你有 ball stopper 時,你無法這樣
NG: Kobe Bryant is a ball stopper, don't you think?
NG: 老大是一個 ball stopper, 你不是這樣認為嗎?
PC: (laughs) I take the fifth (amendment) on any controversial
questions. (laughs)
PC: 你還在釣! (笑x2)
NG: Some of my Lin friends want to see him sign next year with the
Knicks. The Knicks run the Triangle Offense. Would Lin fit in the
NG: 有一些林的朋友希望他明年尼克簽約,尼克正在玩三角戰術,你認為林適
PC:That's hard to say. He's really good in the open court, so to
the extent they'd get him the ball in open court, he'd be fine.
It's not a perfect fit for him, but Lin can fit in any system.
He's a winning type kid, that's why.
PC: 這很難說,林書豪在開放式進攻真的非常好,所以在某種程度上,只要給
他球打開放, 他會沒事的。或許(三角)對林來說不是最佳的,但是林可以
NG: Do you think he'd fit in with San Antonio?
NG: 你覺得林適合馬刺嗎?
PC: Yes, I do with the way they play.
PC: 是的。
NG: Anything else you'd like to say, Pete?
NG: 你有其他要說的嗎?
PC: If you see Lin, tell him I hope he keeps doing good work.
PC: 如果你看到林,告訴他我希望他持續這樣好好打下去。