Re: [外絮]Rondo的小聰明跳球

作者: bxxl (bool)   2015-04-03 10:50:44
Section VII—Restrictions Governing Jump Balls
a. Each jumper must have at least one foot on or inside that half of the
jumping circle which is farthest from his own basket. Each jumper must
have both feet within the restraining circle.
跳球員至少有一腳在遠離己方籃框的半圈. 兩隻腳都要在圈內.
b. The ball must be tapped by one or both of the players participating
in the jump ball after it reaches its highest point. If the ball falls
to the floor without being tapped by at least one of the jumpers, one
of the officials off the ball shall whistle the ball dead and signal
another toss.
c. Neither jumper may tap the tossed ball before it reaches its highest
d. Neither jumper may leave his half of the jumping circle until the
ball has been tapped.
球被拍到之前, 跳球員不得離開他的半圈.
e. Neither jumper may catch the tossed or tapped ball until it touches
one of the eight non-jumpers, the floor, the basket or the backboard.
(這邊動詞用catch, 應該是跟tap有區分.
f. Neither jumper is permitted to tap the ball more than twice on any
jump ball.
g. The eight non-jumpers will remain outside the restraining circle
until the ball has been tapped. Teammates may not occupy adjacent
positions around the restraining circle if an opponent desires one
of the positions. No player may position himself immediately behind an
opponent on the restraining circle.
Penalty for c., d., e., f., g.: Ball awarded out-of-bounds to the opponent.
h. Player position on the restraining circle is determined by the direction
of a player’s basket. The player whose basket is nearest shall have first
choice of position, with positions being alternated thereafter.
作者: hjklhandsome (小翼)   2015-04-03 10:55:00
看了一下 拍到的同時是還沒離開"半圈"沒錯 囧以前打比賽遇到的情形是 兩個跳球都沒把球拍出去球掉下來的時候好像也都不能碰
作者: shanyaochung (shan)   2015-04-03 11:38:00

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