[外絮] 運動畫刊評選本季假摔大賞 (上)

作者: wilsonkoo (捲毛)   2015-04-09 08:03:00
來源: Sports Illustrated http://ppt.cc/sEeI
作者: BEN GOLLIVER 2015/4/8
In his first full season as commissioner, Adam Silver elected to continue the
league's anti-flop program without any major changes. First instituted by
former commissioner David Stern in 2012, the program gives all players one
free warning before the fines (starting at $5,000 and escalating with each
subsequent violation) kick in.
本季的新任主席Silver延續前總裁Stern在2012開始執行的反假摔條款, 每個球員被罰款
前有一次改過的機會, 下次再被逮到則需要繳出5,000美元起跳的罰款.
Unless the last week of the regular season unexpectedly produces a run of
flops, this year will go down as the program's lightest in terms of financial
punishment. Through Tuesday's action, 27 players from 17 teams had been found
guilty of committing a total of 30 flops. There have only been three repeat
offenders, whose two flops each drew a total of just $15,000 in fines.
除非接下來一個禮拜又多了很多假摔, 要不然本季則是此政策執行以來總罰款最少的一年.
直到這禮拜二, 聯盟總共抓到了30次假摔, 橫跨27名球員, 17支隊伍. 但總共只有三位
球員因此被罰款, 總金而加起來只有15,000美元.
Needless to say, the anti-flop program hasn't been a major emphasis this
season. Consider: Ex-Jazz center Enes Kanter was fined $25,000 for throwing
his mouthpiece into the stands, Clippers forward Matt Barnes was fined
$25,000 for kicking a water bottle into the stands and swearing at a fan, and
Canadian rapper Drake was fined $25,000 for attempting to recruit Kevin
Durant to the Raptors. All three each paid more in fines than all floppers
combined in the NBA this season.
不得不說假摔的球員在本季並不是聯盟開側的重點, 倒是抓了很多素行不良的球員.
例如Enes Kanter, 把牙套丟進觀眾席, Matt Barnes, 向球迷噴髒話, 外加踢寶特瓶
進觀眾席, 還有饒舌歌手Drake, 他公開招募Durant加入暴龍. 這三位球員, 或者是非球員,
都被罰了25,000美金, 但諷刺的是, 本季聯盟開出的假摔罰單的總金額竟然比上述的
Even more damning: the 28 players who were selected or named as replacements
to the 2015 All-Star Game have combined for exactly one flop warning
(received by Russell Westbrook) and zero dollars worth of fines. Casual fans
might regard Cavaliers forward LeBron James, Rockets guard James Harden and
Clippers guard Chris Paul as three of the top floppers, but that trio hasn't
drawn a single warning all season.
更令人咋舌的是, 本季入選全名賽的28位球員加總只收到一次假摔警告, 那就是可憐的
Russel Westbrook, 而且一張罰單都沒有. 而當中嫌疑最大的Lebron James,Chris Paul,
以及James Harden這三位假摔天王竟無一上榜, 全身而退.
好的, 現在就開始進行頒獎:
本季聯盟假摔第一隊, 得獎的是..........黃蜂隊
Go ahead and tag owner Michael Jordan's players with a scarlet "F." Only two
teams this season managed to have three different players on the floppers
list: Charlotte (P.J. Hairston, Gerald Henderson and Gary Neal) and Cleveland
(Kevin Love, Matthew Dellavedova and Anderson Varejao). The tiebreaker here
was easy, as Hairston was one of just three players to receive a second flop
violation and the mandatory $5,000 fine this season, giving the Hornets a
league-leading four total flops this season.
趕快拿這這篇文章tag Michael Jordan, 本季黃蜂的假摔表現只配拿"F". 聯盟只有兩支隊
伍被抓到各三個球員假摔, 分別是黃蜂隊的P.J. Hairston, Gerald Henderson還有
Gary Neal. 以及騎士隊的Kevin Love, Matthew Dellavedova,還有Anderson Varejao.
假摔第一隊的競爭激烈, 兩隊不分軒輊, 但黃蜂的致勝關鍵非常明瞭, 只有他們這隊的
Hairston被罰款, 這讓他們成功擊敗對手騎士.
作者: doubleplaytw (暴坊將軍)   2015-04-09 08:06:00
作者: fpboy0070314 (小李李李)   2015-04-09 13:33:00

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