[外絮] J.R. Smith: Copeland在夜店遭遇的事很常見

作者: wilsonkoo (捲毛)   2015-04-11 07:04:12
來源: The Score http://ppt.cc/80Vq
作者: Kimberly John 2015/4/10
"Situations like that can happen anywhere," Smith told the media on Friday.
"It just unfortunately happened to Chris Copeland in New York. As far as it
happening, it could go down anywhere. It could be in the nicest places, it
could be in the worst places. It's just one of those situations where you're
at the wrong place at the wrong time."
對於Copeland在夜店被刺傷, 夜店天王Smith表示: "這種事可能發生在任何地方, 無論是
你認為最危險的地方, 或是最安全的地方. 只是Copeland比較倒楣, 他剛好在不對的時間,
Smith called 1 OAK, the place Copeland was attacked, one of his favorite
"I've never seen anything like that at all," said Smith. "You hear about
stuff like that all the time, but seeing it firsthand? I've never seen it."
Smith表示Copeland遇害的夜店1 OAK是他在紐約最喜歡的地方之一. "那裏的氣氛很棒,
他又說道: "我常聽過夜店發生意外, 但我本人從沒碰過."
Smith understands the desire of his fellow NBA players to go out and enjoy
"We fly in late all the time, so then we go out (late)," said Smith. "Guys
like to have a good time. Just like the average college student. It just so
happens that we got a lot of money, we're young and famous, and people want
to see us and we like to be seen."
Smith了解為什麼NBA球員愛到夜店享樂, 他表示: "每當我們坐飛機到達目的地的時候
都很晚了, 所以出去玩(夜店)的時間當然更晚." 他又補充: "我們跟一般大學生一樣都
喜歡玩樂, 但我們有的是錢, 而且年輕又知名. 人們想親眼看看我們, 我們也享受這樣
As for how Smith avoids trouble, he sticks to a few rules. Namely, not
standing around outside an event by himself.
"For me, I feel like a target every time so I try to handle myself with care
when I'm out and about," added Smith. "It's one of those situations when
you're out at four in the morning, I'm not saying it's his fault by any
means, but when you're out at four in the morning, there's no way you should
be walking anywhere.
"Get in your car and go home or go wherever you're going. That's one of my
cardinal rules. You just don't stand outside of the events like that. You
just get in and go and keep it moving."
為了不讓自己捲入麻煩, Smith傳授了幾招, 其中一個是千萬別讓自己落單.
"每當我離開群眾時, 我便覺得自己會被鎖定成目標, 所以我常保持警覺."
他隨後補充: "夜店周遭在凌晨四點前後非常危險, 絕對別在那附近逗留."
"趕快開你的車回家, 反正開走就對了, 隨便你去哪. 這是我的夜店法則之一,
然後有狀況發生絕對別在旁逗留, 趕快跳上你的車閃開."
心得: 把妹招式怎麼不也順便說說??
作者: anderson1979 (spurs win)   2015-04-11 12:11:00
幹弄哥~解你的血管打錯" 敢"

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