[外絮] 關於我哥哥Steph Curry, 你不知道的六件事

作者: wilsonkoo (捲毛)   2015-04-16 16:14:56
來源: Espn W http://ppt.cc/sxlk
作者: Jessica Camerato 2015/4/14
Sydel Curry, Steph Curry的妹妹, 是一名排球選手(Curry兄妹的媽媽以前也打排球),
以一個家人的角度, 在受訪時說了有關Steph Curry的六件事.
1. Stephen can be a real goofball.
He is super goofy. Whenever I had friends over as a kid, he was always
messing with us or playing little jokes on us, being really silly. Sometimes
he'd hide in my closet and make little noises and try to scare us. Remember
the movie "Scream?" We used to have a mask and he'd sometimes pop out of
nowhere with it on and scare us. I think he was 14 at the time. He hasn't
grown out of his goofy side. He's the funniest person I know. I don't see him
as much as I used to, but I hear from his wife, Ayesha, about him doing
really crazy things. Now that he has a daughter, he'll be just as goofy with
her. He'll roll around the floor with her literally like he's 6 years old.
1. Steph其實很童心未泯
他真的很好笑, 小時候我朋友來的時候, 那時他大概十四歲吧, 但他常常在我們這搗蛋,
對我們做些惡作劇, 他真的很, 很, 很好笑, 有時候他還會躲在衣櫃, 然後弄一些聲響
嚇我們. 而且他常常帶著"驚聲尖笑"裡的鬼面具, 從不知哪裡跳出來嚇我們. 而他現在還
是這樣, 他是我見過最好笑的人. 我現在比較少跟他見面了, 不過他老婆告訴我他還是做
了很多瘋狂的事, 現在的Steph還是會跟女兒做一些好笑的事, 比如說他會在地板一起跟她
打滾, 好像自己也是六歲一樣.
2. There have been, um, some cheating allegations.
Steph, Seth and my dad are super competitive. Seth was always like, 'Mom,
Stephen's cheating.' Stephen would respond, like a really innocent kid, 'No
I'm not. Seth is lying.' It was pretty funny, because as the older brother,
Stephen was super sweet. But Seth was always saying he was cheating, because
he hated to lose. So they'd go back and forth about that. Stephen was quiet
but super competitive, and he wouldn't get in your face about it

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