Steven J. Gaither 2015/5/11
LeBron on criticism Blatt is facing for Game 4: "He's catching heat because
he's coaching me, that's all that is"
James對於Blatt為第四戰面對的批評: "他遭受批評是因為他是我的教練, 事實就是這樣.
The controversy began after James volunteered information that he overrode
his coach’s play call, which called for James to inbound the ball with less
than 2 seconds remaining instead of shooting it.
這項爭議的起因為James透露自己推翻教練的戰術設定, 而這個戰術是要James在比賽
剩不到兩秒時發邊線球, 而不是讓他投球.
“To be honest, the play that was drawn up, I scratched it,” James told
reporters Sunday. “I just told Coach, ‘Give me the ball.’ We’re either
going to go to overtime or I’m going to win it for us.' It was that simple.”
"老實講, 原本設計的戰術被我劃掉了," James週日告訴記者. "我告訴教練, '把球給我.
我們不是打延長賽, 不然就是我把勝利下. 就是這麼簡單."
LJ says changing play "no different than a great quarterback calling an
James表示, 這次戰術更改就跟傑出的美式足球四分衛做最後抉擇沒甚麼不同.
David Blatt對於教練的工作也表示: "籃球教練必須在比賽中做出150~200個重要的抉策,