RealGM Wiretap 2015/5/12
Chris Bosh is recovering from blood clots on his lung and he expects to be
ready for opening night.
Bosh confirmed there have been no setbacks or change in his prognosis.
Bosh正從肺部血栓中康復, 他預期自己可以打開幕戰. Bosh已確認過他的病情不會再
"Yes," Bosh said. "I will be ready on opening night. I'm looking forward to
being the best version of myself in 2015-2016 at the start."
"是的," Bosh說道. "我會在開幕戰準備好. 我很期待能在2015-16賽季開始時展現我最好
Bosh said the time away from the game has made him hungrier for the next
phase of his career.
Bosh說, 沒打球的這段時間讓他對下個職涯階段更加飢渴.
"I'm very excited," he said at Turner's Atlanta studios. "This has given me
time to think and reflect on my life and everything that's going on.
"I miss basketball right now and I think that’s good for me."
"我現在非常興奮," 他對Turner's Atlanta studio說道. "這(生病)讓我有時間思考我的
人生, 以及所有發生的事.
"我現正思念著籃球, 我想這對我來說是件好事."