※ 引述《w8730802 (鈞)》之銘言:
: 你就只貼這句
: 你才帶風向
: "Maybe it wasn't on purpose," Horford said afterward, referring to Dellavedova falling near his knee, prompting Horford to retaliate with an elbow to Dellavedova's head.
: "But with his track record, I just felt like it was. ...
: Al 這裡就說 他覺得依他過去的記錄 他覺得是故意的
: ※ 引述《uniai940 (油膩)》之銘言:
: : 原文
: : "He’s only been in this league for a couple of years," Horford said. " He’s
: : got to learn that at the end of the day it’s a big brotherhood here. Guys
: : look out for reach other. I don’t think it was malicious, but he’s got to
: : learn.
: : 關鍵詞: 我不覺得他是有惡意的(malicious)
: : 本人並不覺得DELLA故意要怎樣,所以是今天緯台有帶到風向嗎?
: : 不過各方怎麼說見仁見智,今天版上討論風氣有點誇張,相信理性球迷都還在
: : ,其實說腿詹鐵科甚麼的都還其次,今天還有人說像殘障考公職,這真的有失
: : 風度了。
: : 來源:http://on.si.com/1IYK1ZL
實在太多爭議了, 這裡是CBS Sports提供HORFORD說的全文
"I didm think he went at me," Horford said. "But I should've handled it
better, shouldn't have got caught up in that. It's something that I'll
definitely learn from.
Horford didn't want to call Dellavedova a dirty player and praised his
competitiveness, but added that "there's gotta be a line at some point."
"We're out there competing," he said. "But he's gotta learn, I mean he's only
been in this league for a couple of years or whatever, but he's gotta learn
that at the end of the day it's a big brotherhood here. Guys look out for
each other and, I don't think that it was malicious, but he's gotta learn."
Horford added that, in the heat of the moment, he told a referee, "Listen, he
went after my legs." He took responsibility for retaliating, though,
repeatedly calling it a very poor decision.
"If it was on purpose or not, we don't know," Horford said. "Maybe it wasn't
on purpose. But, you know, with just his track record, I just felt like it