CBS Sports
James Herbert 2015/5/25
"There's a concussion protocol that all the team doctors and athletic
trainers follow that I've been through before, I think two times in my
career," Curry said. "I felt a lot better than I did those last couple times.
That was good news on my end. Rode the bike for a little bit, got my heart
rate up and made sure that it didn't get worse. Ran up and down the hallway,
and all the balance tests and stuff like that."
"每個隊醫及訓練員都要遵守一個腦震盪相關的協議, 我以前經歷過, 我想我的職業
生涯裡大概歷經了兩次," Curry說. "我的感覺比以前那幾次都還要好, 對我來說是個好
消息. 我稍微騎了下飛輪讓心跳上升, 然後確認狀況沒有更糟. 接著在走道來回跑了幾次,
還做了些平衡測試, 以及一些類似的測驗."
He called it a "bad feeling" when he couldn't control how he landed, but said
it could have been a lot worse and he was thankful that he could return to
the game. Curry added that it was the scariest fall he's ever had, but it
wasn't the worst one in terms of symptoms afterward. He did not black out.
Curry那時無法控制自己要怎麼落地, 他說那"感覺很糟". Curry表示那一摔結果有可能會
更嚴重, 他很感激他能再回來比賽. Curry補充, 他覺得那是有史以來最恐怖的一摔,
但以事後的症狀來看, 那並不是最嚴重的. 他並沒有暈過去.
"I felt like I was in the air for a long time," he said. "Once I hit the
ground, you kind of hear voices from trainers and people just telling me to
take my time and not rush yourself getting up. And want to make sure that you
pass all the tests that they needed to do so that I could get back on the
floor. So that's what happened."
"我感覺我在空中待了好久," 他說. "撞到地板的時候, 我聽到訓練員的聲音, 然後那些人
告訴我慢慢來, 不用急著起來. 之後, 他們要確保你通過全部的檢查, 而他們必須這麼做
我才能回到場上. 事情就是這樣.
The Warriors' doctors cleared him to come back into the game. Initially, he
looked a little shaky