※ 引述《kart (=\)》之銘言:
: http://goo.gl/zTPGaA
: 這篇原文爭議那麼多卻沒人想碰,
: 因為兩邊球員本來就都會各有立場和情緒說話,
: 可是看完慢動作各個角度重播,你無法說Delly是故意去壓腳
: 是絕對可以肯定的。
: Atlanta Hawks center Al Horford was ejected from Game 3 of the
: Eastern Conference finals after picking up a flagrant-2 foul on
: Matthew Dellavedova near the end of the second quarter on Sunday.
: The Hawks went on to lose 114-111 in overtime. It was a
: controversial call, as the Cleveland Cavaliers guard fell into his
: legs before Horford came down on him.
: Al因為這個球被驅逐出場,Cavs也聽牌。
: 這個爭議球起因於Delly跌倒在Al Horford腳上而Horford肘擊了他。
: Dellavedova has had similar incidents with Atlanta sharpshooter
: Kyle Korver and Chicago Bulls big man Taj Gibson in the
: postseason, so some thought it might have been intentional.
: Regardless, Horford had to watch the remainder of the game with a
: couple of the Hawks' trainers, trying to send good vibes. H1e said
: it hurt to not be out there with his teammates.
: Delly的另兩個爭議球是Taj Gibson的夾腳事件和G2的KK事件。
: 有些人認為那是惡意的。
: "I did think he went at me," Horford said. "But I should've
: handled it better, shouldn't have got caught up in that. It's
: something that I'll definitely learn from.
: Horford說「在當下我的確認為他是針對我來的,但是我當時也應該
: 處理得更好,不應該被情緒所左右。這是一件我會從中學習的事。」
: Horford didn't want to call Dellavedova a dirty player and praised
: his competitiveness, but added that "there's gotta be a line at
: some point."
: Horford不願意說Delly是個骯髒的球員,並且稱讚了他的拼勁。
: 但是也說了「拼勁這事兒總是要有各界線在」
: "We're out there competing," he said. "But he's gotta learn, I
: mean he's only been in this league for a couple of years or
: whatever, but he's gotta learn that at the end of the day it's a
: big brotherhood here. Guys look out for each other and, I don't
: think that it was malicious, but he's gotta learn."
: 「我們都在場上競爭,但是他必須要學習,我的意思是他在聯盟只打了
: 兩年或是什麼的,但是他終究必須要去學習NBA是個大家庭。每個人都
: 要注意到對方,我不認為那是惡意的,但是他必須要去學習。」
: Horford added that, in the heat of the moment, he told a referee,
: "Listen, he went after my legs." He took responsibility for
: retaliating, though, repeatedly calling it a very poor decision.
: Horford說在比賽的激情中,他的確跟裁判說
: 「聽著,這傢伙是針對我的腿來的。」
: 但是他也替自己的行為扛下責任,不斷地說他自己的舉動很蠢。
: "If it was on purpose or not, we don't know," Horford said. "Maybe
: it wasn't on purpose. But, you know, with just his track record, I
: just felt like it was."
: 「我們無法知道他是不是故意的,也許他不是。但是你知道,
: 他的歷史讓我當時覺得他就是針對我的腿來的。」
: "I don't think when Al sees the play he's going to be mad about
: it," Cleveland guard Iman Shumpert said. "[Dellavedova] respects
: the game, Al respects the game, just happened."
: 香波說「我猜Al看完重播後他應該就不會生氣了,Delly和Al都是尊重
: 比賽的人,這種球正好發生了。」
: All three officials were unanimous on the call, according to
: NBA.com's Steve Aschburner. Referee Ken Mauer said that Horford
: received the flagrant-2 for "contact above the shoulders, to the
: shoulder and head area of Dellavedova," while Dellavedova received
: his tech for making contact with Horford's knee area.
: 三個比賽裁判一致認為Horford的舉動完全符合NBA教科書上對二級惡犯
: 的定義,因此必須要驅逐出場
: 「多餘不必要的非籃球動作直擊對手肩膀以上的位置」
: 至於Delly的T是因為他的確有碰到Horford的膝蓋位置
: (註:Delly的T已經被NBA澄清說是他當下碎嘴挑釁,而不是因為碰到膝蓋)
: Atlanta head coach Mike Budenholzer said he watched the play, and
: he wasn't sure whether or not it warranted an ejection because it
: was hard to tell whether Horford hit Dellavedova's shoulder or
: head first. If he hit his shoulder first, Budenholzer said there
: should have been no ejection.
: Bud則說他認為Horford沒有打到Delly的頭,他認為只打到肩膀再撞到頭,
: 那應該不用驅逐。
: "I really didn't see too much, but then I looked at the
: replay," Hawks swingman DeMarre Carroll said. "I just seen
: Dellavedova diving. You know, he did it to Kyle. He's one of our
: starters and he gotta have surgery, he's out 4-6 months. And he
: did it to Al. I think Al said, ‘Enough of this.' And he did what
: he did.
: 開羅說「我當下真的沒看到太多,然後我看了重播,
: 我只看到Delly俯衝。你知道的,他也俯衝去撞KK。然後KK現在要開刀ㄟ!
: 然後他現在又去這樣對Al,我想Al只是想說「真夠了!」所以就肘擊下去了。」
: (註:對KK那球可說Delly有俯衝動作,這球.....???)
: "I think [Dellavedova] is just competitive, man," Carroll
: continued. "Sometimes when you compete so hard, you can take it
: overboard. So there's gotta be a fine line between competing and
: being crazy. You know, Al just did what he thought was necessary
: to protect our team and make a stand. And he got threw out."
: 開羅接下來說「我認為Delly只是打的有競爭性,但是有時候你競爭過頭
: 你就可能造成傷害。競爭和打到起笑應該是有界線在的。你知道的,
: Al只是想要保護我們的球隊並且站出來。然後她被丟出場。」
: Carroll added that, while going after a loose ball is OK, "when
: you dive at people's feet, nothing but bad things are going to
: happen."
: 開羅接下來說,去搶loose ball當然可以,「但是如果你往別人腳下衝,
: 總是會有壞事發生的。」
: The incident might have decided Atlanta's season, but none of the
: players wanted to use it as an excuse. The Hawks were able to
: force overtime without Horford, Korver and Thabo Sefolosha, but
: they just couldn't quite come away with the victory.
: Unfortunately, this was a must-win, and now they're facing
: elimination.
: 這件事情可能讓老鷹的球季結束。沒有球隊可以從0-3逆轉過。
: Kent說
: 「裁判們大概看了十分鐘吧,直到他們認為判決正確為止。所以我們
: 無法對這個二級惡犯說啥。但是你必須要看看Delly的歷史。這可是有很多
: 可以著墨的空間。當然比賽結束後這些都不重要了,我們少了Al而我們
: 當時還有比賽要打。」
: ===========================
: 補充剛剛看到LBJ和Delly的賽後記者會,關於這個play的部分
: (確定大意正確,不過等有人有transcript了可以幫忙補充原文)
: 記者問說開羅說往別人腳邊衝(diving to others feet)是很糟糕的舉動
: LBJ本來想替Delly回答,但是Delly堅持自己回答:
: 「在G2的時候那球,球在我的肚子這邊,我只想保護球並且趕快傳出去,
: 今天這球,我的左手臂一直被Al跩著向外拖,我試圖掙脫但是沒辦法,
: 然後我就跌倒了,我並沒有去往別人腳邊衝」
: LBJ補充
: 「人們想把Delly安上一個骯髒的罪名,而我認為這是不正確也不對的,
: Delly不是這樣的人,不只因為他是我的隊友我這樣說,他就是打球很認真
: 用盡全力。有時候你們就放大這些play,G2我在空中的時候被人家用兩手
: 推下來,但是我們不會去放大這一個play然後想說甚麼故事出來,但是你
: 知道的,笑」
: ============================
: 心得:
: Delly整個突然紅起來....不過平心而論季後賽這三個爭議球,
: 兩個球他算是被扁的一邊 = =,至於KK那球連犯規都算不上,
: 卻因為這樣被老鷹球員說的惡名昭彰(輸球邊,可理解)
: 有些人說Delly是小貝型的,但是說實在話,以這三球來看可能也還不到吧?
: 夾Taj的腳我是不知道是什麼原因,可能他被一直推一直推很不爽的詭異反擊?
: 但是Taj把腳拔開以後又往前踹他不是自找的F2嗎?= =
: KK那球讓KK報銷可能當下沒人會料到吧,
: 因為看起來也是個滿常見的play,甚至常常看到自己人壓到自己人的時候
: 最重要的是聯盟也沒有因為這球補吹犯規或是T什麼鬼的,
: (註:別忘了當時很多人護航的Olynyk之後可是被認證的F2)
: 表示這球是正常的一個籃球範疇的play
: 今天這球就更明顯了,Delly是被Al拉到跌倒的,跌倒的時候他碰到了Al
: 的膝蓋,但是他馬上也用右手撐直了身體,如果骯髒,不是應該順勢
: 往後倒力壓也是可以裝個無辜?反正是被你Al拉倒的嘛?
: 結果他剛坐直就被Al來個肘擊重壓擊倒,而且重播看起來其實很危險,
: 因為他左手當下完全是一個不自然的姿勢被Al整個身體壓,他反應快
: 趕快翻身否則搞不好騎士又多一個脫臼的~
: 所以Al這球被判F2的確是有原因的。
: 另外老鷹今天也很多針對Delly的小動作,Delly本來在這系列造成了老鷹
: 一些小麻煩,他黏TT型的防守給了老鷹後衛很大的麻煩。
: 上一場老鷹後對被Delly守時命中率是3/18,其他人守時是8/12。
: 所以老鷹肯定討厭Delly,Delly能這麼黏也是每天練習要防守KI練出來的不意外
: 但是因為他黏就說他髒,還是因為這三個play說他髒,
: 我是認為要有更多證據才能說他是個「有歷史」的髒球員。