huntai (婚帶)
2015-05-29 07:40:57你所說的是2011年熱火在半決賽擊敗公牛的事情, 當時Pippen這段話引起了軒然大波,
然而熱火在總決賽輸給了小牛之後, Pippen就推翻了他的口供, 也許是當時的說話被曲解,
“The comments that I made were basically giving LeBron some props as a
player, not to dismantle any player like Michael,” Pippen said after a youth
camp session at the Bulls/Sox academy. “We all know that he’s the greatest
player that ever played the game.
我對LBJ的評語是作為籃球員的一種稱讚, 並沒有要否定MJ的意思. 大家都知道, MJ才是
“I think it was taken a little bit out of context. I felt like I was drawing
more of a conclusion from the statistics more than the accolades…
我想我的說話內容被曲解了 (應該是指媒體). 他們直接用一些數據來下結論以掩蓋掉我
PIPPEN: No, I did not say I would take LeBron over Michael. The reality is
you need to go back and figure out what I said.
Pippen: 我從來沒有說過LBJ比MJ偉大, 請你回頭看看當時我說過甚麼話
HAUGH: What did you say then? How did it get misconstrued?
主持人: 所以你說過甚麼, 這些話是怎麼讓人誤解的?
PIPPEN: I don’t know, man. You guys like to create a little controversy to
get people excited and get people to listen to your station.
Pippen: 我不知道, 你們這些媒體總喜歡挑起一些爭議性話題好讓人們對這些報導有興趣
※ 引述《imgkiller (無血之大戮)》之銘言:
: 同樣是Pippen説過的話
: "Michael Jordan is probably the greatest scorer to play the game," Pippen
: said. "But I may go as far as to say LeBron James may be the greatest player
: to ever play the game because he is so potent offensively that not only can
: he score at will but he keeps everybody involved. You have to be on your Ps
: and Qs on defense. No guy on the basketball court is not a threat to score
: with LeBron James out there. Not only will LeBron dominate from the offensive
: end as well, but he's also doing it on the defensive end which really makes
: him the complete package. He's able to get in those passing lanes, shoot
: those gaps and create transition opportunities where he is pretty much
: unstoppable."
: 「MJ是史上最偉大的得分手,」Pippen說,「但是我不得不說,LBJ或許才是史上最偉大的
: 球員,他在進攻端太强大了,不僅自己可以随意得分,同時能讓隊友也參與。對上他時,
: 你必須小心做好你的防守。只要有LBJ在,沒有人不是得分點。 」
: 「他不僅在進攻端表現出色,在防守端也很強大,這讓他看起來十分全面。他知道傳球路
: 線,趁空檔時投球,並且創造快攻機會,快攻的時候他幾乎是不可阻擋的。」
: 引用s011990
: 21-29歲的Jordan跟LBJ
: 得分 籃板 助攻 抄截 火鍋 FG% 3PT%
: Jordan 31.48 6.09 5.63 2.68 1.03 51% 25%
: LBJ 27.6 7.31 7.03 1.68 0.8 51% 35%
: Jordan得分強,但LBJ更全能