※ 引述《sssdragonsss ( Prince )》之銘言:
: www.nba.com 被綁架了, 原本想看一下英文原文, 根據這則新聞是說 Mozgov 的墊步不成
: 立, 所以走步! 假設這雙腳墊步不成立, 懂規則的人都知道這是走步, 也不會有人爭論,
: 轉播當時是看MOD的英文主播跟球評講解, 這個Play 重播幾次, 也給了不同角度, 英文主
: 播跟球評也覺得這是好球, 如果把重點放在雙腳墊步不成立是否太牽強?
: 雙腳墊步是很棒的技巧, 通常在籃下做雙腳墊步是為了有做假動作騙對方防守者失去好位
: 置或好時機, 為了讓雙腳墊步成立, 通常會需要在空中收球時在空中轉身(幅度看個人)並
: 稍微收腿, 盡量讓雙腳同時踩地. 可是如果拿高速攝影機來慢速回播, 讓雙腳同時踩地會
: 變得很嚴苛, 舉例而言, 讓人的雙手掌同時張開, 也許大部分的人都覺得簡單, 但是用高
: 速攝影機錄影後來慢速回播, 就會出現千分之一秒的先後差異.
: 用高速攝影機錄影後來慢速回播對於壓哨球的判決是相當準確, 但是如果用來做雙腳墊步
: 的判定, 標準是千分之幾秒呢? 雙腳墊步的技術是否會逐漸沒落?
被綁架? 那你不會Google嗎 還是英文不好呢?
先不管這些 一起來看看聯盟對於總冠軍戰G1的最後2分鐘+OT 5分鐘的判決報告吧
http://goo.gl/aEbxO7 (內附影片)
先講結論 聯盟認為Q4的最後兩分鐘以及整個OT1的5分鐘判決都是CC與CNC
也就是Correct Call 與 Correct Non-Call
並沒有出現 誤判的 IC = Incorrect Call 和 INC = Incorrect Non-Call
可以只看上了色的2個判決就好 大家在Live吵比較兇
礙於版面 CP = Committing Player 被認為是犯規或失誤的球員
DP = Disadvantaged Player 判決結果失利的球員
RD = Review Decision 重新檢視後結果
這裡的DP是重新檢視前的球員立場 屬於當時裁判的判決結果
有沒有誤判是以NC 與 INC的出現與否為準
Period Time Call Type CP DP RD
Q4 01:59.0 Foul: Personal Andrew Bogut Timofey Mozgov CNC
評論:Bogut (GSW) is in a legal guarding position and contact with Mozgov (CLE)
is incidental to his effort to defend him.
Bogut的合法站位與身體接觸 CNC
Q4 01:58.0 TO: Traveling Timofey Mozgov N/A CC
評論:L-Slash and RATR angles show that after receiving the ball, Mozgov (CLE)
dribbles once and then lands with a jump stop where his R foot comes down
first (Step 1) and then his L foot comes down (Step 2).
The spin constitutes additional steps.
Mozgov在接球後下球 然後做了一個右腳(第一步)先落地後左腳(第二步)接著落地的
墊步 接下來的轉身動作出現了多餘的角步 CC
註:我不知道L-Slash 跟 RATR 是啥 也許是攝影機角度吧 希望有大大解惑
Q4 00:31.9 Foul: Shooting Andrew Bogut Timofey Mozgov CC
評論:Bogut (GSW) makes contact with Mozgov's (CLE) arm and the contact affects
his shot.
Bogut對Mozgov的手臂做了一個會影響投籃的接觸 CC
Q4 00:26.7 Foul: Shooting Kyrie Irving Stephen Curry CNC
評論:Irving (CLE) cleanly blocks Curry's (GSW) shot.
Irving乾淨的火鍋 CNC
OT1 03:52.0 Foul: Shooting Tristan Thompson Draymond Green CNC
評論:Thompson's (CLE) contact is incidental to his effort to defend
Green's (GSW) shot.
TT的身體接觸主要是為了防守Green的投射而出現且不造成影響 CNC
OT1 03:17.0 Foul: Shooting Tristan Thompson Stephen Curry CC
評論:Thompson (CLE) is moving toward Curry (GSW) and makes contact on the jump
TT的身體撞向Curry且再其投籃時造成接觸 CC
OT1 02:39.0 Foul: Shooting Draymond Green Timofey Mozgov CNC
評論:Green (GSW) does not make contact with Mozgov (CLE).
Green沒碰到Mozgov CNC
OT1 02:30.0 Foul: Shooting Kyrie Irving Stephen Curry CC
評論:Irving (CLE) is moving toward Curry (GSW) and makes contact on the jump
Irving的身體撞向Curry且再其投籃時造成接觸 CC
咖哩飯 再來一碗
OT1 02:30.0 Instant Replay: Support Ruling CC
評論:After communicating with the Replay Center, the ruling on the court that
Curry (GSW) was inside the three-point arc (attempting a two-point shot)
when he was fouled was upheld.
即時重播後確認Curry被犯的出手是在三分線內的2分球 CC
咖哩飯 小碗確認
OT1 01:56.0 Foul: Personal Stephen Curry LeBron James CNC
評論:Curry (GSW) cleanly strips the ball from James (CLE).
Curry 乾淨的將球從James手中撥開 CNC
OT1 01:52.0 Foul: Personal James Jones Andre Iguodala CC
評論:Jones (CLE) grabs Iguodala's (GSW) arm as he attempts to secure the ball.
Jones在小AI試著救球時抓住他的手臂 CC
OT1 01:40.0 Foul: Shooting James Jones Andre Iguodala CC
評論:Jones (CLE) moves into Iguodala's (GSW) path after he has started his
upward shooting motion.
Jones在小AI起跳後移動到他的上籃途徑 CC
OT1 01:33.0 Foul: Offensive Tristan Thompson Stephen Curry CNC
評論:Thompson (CLE) gets into a legal screening position before contact with
Curry (GSW).
TT在與Curry接觸前就完成了這次合法的掩護動作 CNC
OT1 01:16.0 Foul: Personal J.R. Smith Draymond Green CC
評論:Smith (CLE) commits a take foul on Green (GSW).
JR犯了Green一規 CC
OT1 00:52.5 Foul: Personal James Jones Harrison Barnes CNC
評論:Jones (CLE) gets tangled with Barnes (GSW) and makes incidental contact as
both stumble to the floor.
Jones在跌倒的情況下拌了Barnes一跤 雙方皆倒地 屬於非主要的身體接觸 CNC
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