Stephen Curry hasn’t been the same since his fall against Houston
自從對戰火箭那一摔後, Curry變的不一樣了
Stephen Curry denies there is anything to it. After his 5-of-23 shooting
performance (1-of-9 on uncontested looks) in Game 2 — the worst by a
reigning MVP in a quarter century — he said he was off, but denied there was
anything physical or that this had lasted a while
但Curry矢口否認近來的低迷跟那一摔有關, 總冠軍賽第二戰他23投5中, 包含無人防守
時的9投1中, 這是近1/4世紀以來當年MVP最糟的表現; 對此, Curry說他只是沒了手感,
“No, just tonight,” Curry said of feeling his shot was off. “Shots I
normally make I knew as soon as they left my hand that they were off. That
doesn’t usually happen. I mean, mechanically I don’t know if there is an
explanation for it, just didn’t have a rhythm and didn’t find one the whole
他說:"只有今晚, 我習以為常的出手會進的, 今晚一出手就知道偏了, 這不常發生, 我
也不知道該怎麼解釋, 就只是沒了慣有的節奏, 整場都找不到我的節奏罷了
But it hasn’t been just one game.
但瑞凡, 不僅僅是這一場而已
Ever since his nasty fall in Game 4 against the Rockets, Curry has not been
quite the same. The Big lead crunched the numbers since the tumble:
Field goal shooting: 26-of-73, 35.6%
3-Point shooting: 10-of-36, 27.8%
對火箭G4重摔後Curry的表現跟先前不同了, 之後至今的三場數據:
出手命中率: 73中26, 35.6%
三分命中率: 36中10, 27.8%
For the record, he shot 48 percent overall and 44 percent from three in the
regular season.
Now come the list of qualifiers: We are talking a very small sample size, he
could just be cold shooting. These games have come against good defensive
teams in Houston and Cleveland (Matthew Dellavedova played him well in Game
2), and teams that have focused on slowing him. And he not only was cleared
by doctors to return to that game, Curry had an interminably long break
between the close out over Houston and the start of the Finals, a lot of time
in there to get healthy.
但這三場的樣本數太小, Curry可能真的只是手感冰冷而已, 況且這三場的對手(火箭跟
騎士)都有著好防守也都把重點放在讓Curry慢下來, 尤其Della這場對Curry的防守做得
相當好, 並且隊醫那邊也說完全沒問題了, 西冠後Curry也有獲得充分的時間休息
Maybe it’s a coincidence. But it is interesting.
或許這只是個巧合, 但卻是個很有趣的想法
We will see how Curry is shooting come Game 3 in Cleveland, especially after
coach Steve Kerr makes some tweaks to get him better looks.
特別是當Kerr為了讓Curry有更好的表現而做出些戰術上的調整後, 第三戰看Curry到客