James Borrego Reaches Coaching Deal With Spurs, Leaving Magic
原文作者:Shams Charania/RealGM
Orlando Magic assistant James Borrego has finalized a coaching deal to rejoin
Gregg Popovich and the San Antonio Spurs, league sources told RealGM.
根據RealGM網站自己整理出來的消息:今年曾經代理魔術總教練職務的James Borrego,
已經與前東家馬刺簽下回鍋合約,再度成為Gregg Popovich的教練團助手。
Borrego was an assistant coach under Popovich from 2003 to 2010 before
joining Monty Williams with the New Orleans Pelicans and then Jacque Vaughn
with the Magic.
Borrego從2003開始加入馬刺教練團,直到2010才被Monty Williams執教的紐奧良黃蜂
看上,成為當時總教練菜鳥Jacque Vaughn的助手。
Borrego finished this season as the Orlando interim head coach after the
firing of Vaughn, and had the option to return to the Magic under Scott
讓Scott Skiles接任新任總教練後,Borrego曾經答應續留魔術球團,直到今天。